Never held a gun in my life but now I carry one around in case I see you tonight

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I heard Vic calling after me a few minutes later. Damn that boy has got some lungs! I knew they'd come looking for me soon. I told Vic that I was going out. I would be back later, I just needed to get away from them for a while.

I continued down the street I was on. I kept my head down, but I still glanced around for any sign of Danny. Hmm, if I were a homicidal maniac out to get my sister and her father's band, where would I be? Well who the fuck would know that? If Danny was shot, they wouldn't take him to a hospital, he would have to be somewhere in the city though. Probably in an old abandoned warehouse. If he wasn't hurt, well, he could be anywhere. But he thinks I'm with Dad. He thinks that Dad thinks I'm safe with him, and Danny knows I was shot. He wouldn't expect Dad to take me out of the city, not tonight anyway. Danny wants to kill me soon, so he'd probably stay where I was. He's probably somewhere on the city. And he probably knows I'm here too.

I passed an alley way and glanced down the finely lit space. There were some guys, but not Danny. These were a bunch of crack heads as far as I could tell. That's all any of these San Fran gangs were. They weren't organized, and they weren't professional. Still, it might be nice to have some back-up.

"Hey!" I shouted at them. They looked up and smirked at me. I smirked right back.

"Hey Darlin', how much for a blow?" One of them asked.

"As much as you'd pay not to have your dick bitten off." He made a face and stepped to the side as I approached them. I stopped in front of the one who seemed to be the leader of this "gang."

"This isn't a place for pretty little ladies like you to be alone at night." He said with a thick British accent.

"Doesn't seem like a place for a bunch of cracks like yourself to be either." I stated. He scoffed.

"Well at least I got this." He hissed, showing me his pistol. He rested it on my shoulder and then shoved it at my face. I smirked.

"I guarantee I'll shoot before you." I said as I held my gun up to his crotch. His eyes went wide and he lowered his gun. I turned away and paced around the alley. "I need a favor: my brother is...well that's not important. What matters is he's trying to kill me and I need to get him first. You guys in?"

"You're asking us to be assassins?" I shook my head.

"I'm asking for back-up."

"What makes you think you can do it, before he gets you, I mean." A second guy asked. I turned to him.

"Get me close enough and give me one shot." I turned to the rest of the group. All five nodded. "Good. Now let's go." I turned and walked out of the alley with the group following me. I glanced around to make sure Vic and the guys weren't anywhere near us. I turned right and we started walking towards the bridge. One of the gang members, the British one, jogged to catch up to me.

"I'm Collin, by the way." He said, jutting out his hand for me to shake.

"Names are irrelevant." I said. He scoffed.

"What, you think we're going to track you from a name and kill you in your sleep or something?" I shook my head.

"Of course not. You guys wouldn't know where to start tracking me. I just don't want you yelling my name because my dad's out here looking for me."

"Oh, so you ran away?"

"No, I told him I was going out, but he's paranoid. I've kind of caused a little trouble for him and his band."

"His band?" I nodded.

"Pierce The Veil."

"Oh." We got to the bridge and I noticed four figures on it.

"She's tough, Vic, I'm sure she'll be okay."

"I know, I'm just tired of this. I feel so helpless. I can't keep track of my own daughter, and she just keeps running off." Shit! I pulled the guys behind a building. "She's such a pain. Sometimes I wonder if this is the best solution to this whole thing. I mean, we had to get off tour, and everyone's upset. I just...I can't do this anymore..." Their voices faded out as they walked past. I bit my lip and sighed as we moved away from the building.

I walked up to the bridge and jumped up onto the railing. I glanced around to see if I could see any better, but there was no way I would find Danny in the city this late at night. I sighed again, still thinking about Vic. Does he really not want me anymore? I sat on the edge of the railing, looking out across the bay. During the day, you could see Alcatraz from here, if it wasn't too foggy.

I swung my feet over the side, kicking at the air. What a screw up of a life. This took the cake as far as disappointments go. I can't even find Danny. I've been out all night and I'm not even sure he's still in the city. So why am I here? What's keeping me here? Nothing. Nothing is even keeping me on this railing except my own balance. It would be so easy to just make everyone happy. I could just slip...

"Whoa, hang on!" I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I looked back to see Collin. "You looked like you were going to fall for a minute there." I glanced around and saw I was like three quarters of the was forward. I gasped and leaned back.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks." I said. He pulled me back over the railing.

"You have to be more careful." I nodded.

"Sorry, off in dreamland." Collin gave me an unsure nod.

"Do you even know where your brother is?" I looked up at him and back down.

"No...I really don't."

"Well, do you have any idea where he could be?" I shook my head.

"I don't even know if he's in the city." Collin sighed. "I'm sorry, you guys can leave if you want." I turned back to the view of the water and gripped the rail.

"It's a rather beautiful night. I'd like to stay here with you if that's alright." I nodded, and we both sat on the rail. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and looked at the caller ID. Of course it was Vic. I stared at the screen and let it ring. "You going to answer it?" Collin asked. It rang one more time and stopped. A minute later, it came up with the message Vic left. Listen or Ignore. I shook my head and pulled back my arm. I thrusted it forward and let my phone go flying into the sea. Vic won't have to be bothered with me anymore.

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