The Second Task

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Author's Note: I know I don't really post author's notes often on this site, which is odd because I often do them on other platforms. But I wanted to post one now, on this chapter specifically because this chapter marks a big point for me in this story. It feels like just yesterday that I posted the chapter about the first task, and I remember it being a really big deal for me because that meant I was about a third into the story. But when I posted that chapter I never would have imagined that the support and love I would receive for this story would grow to the point it has. It warms my heart every time I think about it and I just want to thank all of the people who bothered to click on this story, it truly means a lot! Also, remember that if you like this story please comment and vote because it helps draw more potential readers! If you REALLY like this story, please feel free to go read some of my other fanfics, especially the newest one I posted called "Her Story" which is a super personal sexual harassment account. Thank you guys again for everything!


"You have no reason to be nervous Evelyn. Remember, I have a plan and know exactly what my strategy is. Everything is going to be okay." Cedric insisted with a reassuring smile on his face the morning of the second task.

"I just... am so worried about you. I know you can take care of yourself and all, but I just couldn't bare to loose you." I said in a small voice, my body visibly shaking from fear. I could see Cedric grab my hand from across the table and clutch it tightly in his own, rubbing his thumb back in forth on my palm to try and calm me down. I gave him a small smile of thankfulness before my face went sour again.

The Hufflepuff chuckled at my twisted up expression, and just squeezed my hand tighter. "Don't worry so much Evelyn, it's not good for the babies." He said in a knowing tone before letting his gaze drift down to my ever-growing bump that just became visible under my robes.

I nodded, a smile gracing my lips. "And," Cedric added, "not eating isn't good for you or them either. Remember, you're eating for three Evelyn."

I sighed reluctantly, knowing he was telling the truth. "You're right." I mumbled.

"What's that? Can you repeat that for me please." Cedric said with a knowing smirk, causing me to let go of his hand and hit his arm playfully, giggling the whole time. Cedric joined me in my laughter for a couple minutes, both of us savoring the moment without fear. But then a worried look crossed his face. "Evelyn, have you seen Cho today? She should be at breakfast by now." He said as his voice grew anxious, both of our smile's fading.

I gave him a concerned look, "You mean you haven't seen her yet? I thought you had spoken earlier?"

Cedric shook his head, a frown now on his face. "Last I heard she had to go to the Headmasters' Office last night for something about the Task, but she promised me she would see me at breakfast. You know, to wish me luck."

I shuttered at the thought of another trip to Albus' Office, remembering the one I had a couple of weeks ago with Severus. "I'm sure she just got caught up with her friends or slept in late." I said with an encouraging smile, unsuccessfully trying to make him seem happier.

Cedric just proceeded to run his hand through his hair, obviously quite nervous. I realized, in that moment, that I needed to do what Cedric just did me. "Hey." I said in a soft voice, breaking our silence. "It's okay, she's okay, I'm okay, and most importantly you're okay." I grabbed his hand as I spoke, just as he did to me. He gave me a smile, and I beamed back. We were both okay.


We held hands as we walked down to the Black Lake from the Castle, both of us trying to find comfort and safety in each other. We did get some stares, all wondering the same question of whether my children were his. But they weren't, and we could care less what anyone else thought.

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