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Everything in my life seemed perfect. I didn't talk to homos. See even thinking the word makes me feel dirty. I didn't want anything to do with my dad ... how could he get it on with some guy in the living room of our family home? What if he has always felt like that? What if he never loved mum? What if he resented having a kid with her?

At some point while I was thinking these awful thoughts, my girlfriend. Maisie, had joined me in the shower. I loved our morning shower routine... it made me feel great... if you know what I mean. Made all those doubts that I had about her were gone with those showers.

I mean it's not like they were major doubts... just wondering when she is going to betray me like my dad did. But hey... I have daddy issues.

After our special little shower, it was time to start the day. Maisie headed off to work and I continued with my online course before my shift at the bar later on that day. The only reason I was doing this course is to better myself. To prove everyone that thought I would never amount to nothing wrong. But mainly to get back at my dad who tried to ruin my life.

Every now and then I would wonder how Jaxon is doing. I mean I was a dick to him the last time we spoke. I quickly shook those thoughts out of my mind. He stuck up for the guy I thought was my father.

I guess I have a lot of issues to work out... but studying helps me clear my mind. After half an hour of studying I was back to a peaceful state of mind that I was before these thoughts.

The hours went on and it was after Maisie's finishing time. I eventually got a text from her saying 'working late, won't see you before work have a good night xxx' and we were back to paranoid. But I still got ready for work.

I go to work and put on the best fake smile I could and got serving. It wasn't a great job but it got my mind of my normal like for the night. And it paid the bills.

I would get in after my shift and Maisie would be waiting for me in bed. This time was different, she wasn't there. So I decided to worry about it in the morning as I was too tired to understand many things right at that moment. 

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