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Ok guys who have liked this story, if you are still interested in reading it I would like someone to proof read my next chapter, which means you will get to see it before anyone else, I am sorry it has taken me so long to finish this story but it is almost done I promise. The chapter isn't quite ready, but almost. There are obviously conditions to this.


1. you cannot spoil it for anyone you know reading the story

2. if you want to give me an idea follow me and let me know so I can follow you and we can chat (or just post a private message on my page)

3. if you do want to give me an idea, I wont put you on as an author, however you will be credited (I'm not a monster)

4. it's first come first serve (basically first to comment I will accept, maybe first 2, we will see how it goes)

Ok my lovely readers, ready when you are :)

ALSO just to let you know I will be doing this on Quotev too.



I felt a sudden longing to be close to someone who loved me. I figured that with everything that had gone on, that Jaxon would ignore my calls. That only left one person that I could think of. Even if he was gone. I found myself at the Church, without hesitation I make my way through the graveyard and to Nate's grave. I feel that Nate would have supported me through this sucky time if he were alive. Though I'm sure if he were alive, I don't think I would be in this mess and neither would Jax. We would all be living together as a three way couple. I snigger slightly at the contrast between my imagination and the reality that I had come to loathe.

As I trudge closer to the crumbling church, behind which my best friend laid to rest. I thought of how I would tell him about my overactive imagination. However as I approach and see the scene in front of me, an overwhelming sense of panic washes over me. I see a lifeless figure slumped over Nate's headstone.

My worst nightmare became my reality as I saw the man that I loved, unconscious, with his head resting on a decaying bouquet. The last thing I remember of this day was calling an ambulance, then my memory goes blank.

-1 week later-

I finally got to bring him home. I never want to let him go. All that said. I should have been more excited. But in all honesty I was terrified. I was terrified that I wasn't enough for him, petrified that he was going to end up hating me.

I watched him, asleep on the sofa. Even awake he was still in the same position. His expression was empty, like his mind had abandoned his body and all thoughts were lost indefinitely.

It was raining, I watched as the raindrops cascaded down the window, the memories of Nate, Jax and I picking a raindrop each and watching them race down the window. The winner had bragging rights until the next time it rained.

As I was reminiscing, I felt arms wrapped around my shoulders. A hoarse voice rings in my ears "I pick the one in the top right corner" I smile placing my hands on top of his and reply to him. "I guess I'll take top left." We watch as our drops race to the window ledge below. Neither of us seemed to be paying attention to who was winning. I turn around to face him, and I bring him closer, resting my head on his shoulder. "Wait, who won?" Jaxon asks, wrapping his arms around me. I smile weakly, just enjoying his presence. I chuckle slightly thinking of my witty reply "I think Nate won, and I grant eternal bragging rights to him" I say as I look up into his captivating emerald eyes. He smiled back at me, nodding to agree, before placing a sweet kiss on my lips. For a moment it felt like I had him back. I knew we had a long way to go, but I was content in that moment. I would take the small victories where I could get them.

That night I couldn't sleep. I watched jax for hours, not believing that he was here. I didn't want to sleep in case I woke up and he was gone.

I must have closed my eyes at some point. When I woke up, my worst fears were confirmed. He was gone and there was nothing that I could do about it. In the end I drag myself out of bed and start walking over to the phone to call the hospital, see how he was doing. This wasn't the first time that I had a dream like this, so I knew the drill. But just as I was about to pick up my landline to call, I saw a figure flitting about my kitchen. I held onto the phone, just incase it was a burglar. I had in my mind to call the police but when I couldn't see who it was (I was still half asleep, don't judge) I ended up throwing the phone at him. The figure swung round in terror, it was then that I noticed the tall, slim figure, wearing MY dressing gown. Then I was met with the handsomest emerald eyes. Relief washed over me and I threw my arms around him. "Why did you throw the phone at me?" I couldn't answer, I just wanted to hug him to make sure that he was real.

After about 2 minutes of hugging, Jaxon pushes me away. "I was trying to make you breakfast you doofus." He chuckles and then gets back to work.

Over the next few weeks Jax opens up more and more, and I feel that he is becoming happier. I was becoming happier. I was ready to live a life with him.

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