Chapter 9

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We went to the pier, ended up spending most of the day down the hospital though. Not what we really wanted to be doing but we had to... no it wasn't for me and cancer this time... it was for Luc... guess I should explain better.

We were sat on the pier. We had just come out of the arcade and decided to get some ice cream. There were wasps flitting about all around us. Lucas was flinching any time one came even remotely near him. Every time he flinched Jax and I would laugh. Come on... in our eyes he was being a total baby. "Guys, can we go back to the B&B?" Luc asks. We laugh it off, and tease him for being afraid of wasps and he sits there quietly and takes it... we must be the worst friends in the history of friendship.

A few moments later we hear an 'ow' and then we hear Lucas freaking out. "Call an ambulance!" Luc shouted. "Please!" It was then that I started to get annoyed... I thought that he was just being over dramatic. "Oh stop being so..." I was cut off by Jaxon's panic stricken voice. "Nate! His throat is swelling really bad!" I look round to see the wasp sting on Luc's neck getting larger by the second. I dropped my ice cream and called the ambulance. Luc's eyes were full of tears and he was gasping for air by the time that I got off the phone. But luckily the Ambulance was here about 5 seconds later. I could tell Luc was scared. I was too, but I was keeping it together for the rest of them.

Since we weren't allowed in the ambulance with Luc, Jaxon and I hurried back to the hotel to grab my car and rushed to the hospital... ok... so I may have pushed the speed limit a little, but this was an emergency!

Once we got there we were informed that the wasp's venom or whatever had spread quickly and that caused a severe allergic reaction. I felt so bad for calling Luc a baby for flinching... I just wanted to cry. We were told that we could stay because the doctor didn't have anyone else that we could called since his mum up and left and his dad is on a business trip.

Jaxon had eventually stopped crying and fallen asleep on my chest... now it was my turn to cry... I hated hospitals... they scared the shit out of me... and to see my friends crying and in pain hurts me even more. I tried not to sob, so that I wouldnt wake Jaxon up, I tried so hard to cry silently, but every emotion, every sharp pain through my heart overwhelmed me and I began to shake with sobs. Consequently this woke Jax up. I was happy in a way; I needed someone to hold me, to tell me everything was going to be ok. Jaxon held me, he kissed my head, where my hair was starting to grown back after the chemo. I needed this... this is the first time I have cried since I found out I had cancer. It was like the emotions inside me just shut off... but this was the time they came spilling out.

This was the time that I realised I was in love with both of my best friends and I would have to choose eventually...

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