Stay With Me (gay love story)

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"Happy Ten Years bitches" Jaxon said as he slid in next to Nate and me, wrapping an arm round each of us. Nate and I exchanged glances and then it suddenly clicked... today is the ten year anniversary of us being friends... we have been friends since we were 5. Yes that would make us 15. It was a Friday so we had planned on spending it at one of our houses... I had the biggest house so naturally I offered mine as there was more space to sleep. Oh I should probably mention how we look otherwise you won't know.

Nathaniel is tall... I guess we all are... all just over 6ft. But Nate being slightly skinnier than the rest of us... piercing blue eyes, dusty blonde hair and a perfect smile... yes I am gay... and maybe I fancy Nate a little bit but, but there are good qualities about Jax too.

Jaxon has light brown hair, eyes so green they look like emeralds... sure he sounds like a bit of a dick... but it's a front... we know the real him, kind, caring, sensitive, thoughtful... and any other adjective you can think of along the same lines. We all had that shaggy style of hair the one where our fringe sweeps across our face.

Then there is me... I am slightly shorter than the other two I am dead on 6ft 1in. I have black hair, brown eyes, pale skin... people say I'm attractive but I don't see it... I am the worst looking out of us three.

Our uniforms were also extremely different... mine was buttoned up to the top and shirt tucked in, sleeves rolled up though. I'm not that nerdy. Jaxon's was the typical bad boy, skinny jeans, 2 buttons undoneon his cotton/ polyester blend shirt, tie almost down to his stomach, badges covering the collar of his blazer... he was the rocker of our trio. Then Nate... he had one button undone, skinny jeans also... I do wear skinnies, just not to school... his blazer had one button done up so that he still looked smart and he never rolled his sleeves up... unless it was summer.

-After school-

We all went our separate ways to go get ready for tonight. I had to get the snacks and the duvets ready... my parents were going out of town for the weekend so I had the whole house to myself. A few hours later I heard a knock at my door. I opened the door to find both of my best friends standing there. For the whole night we ate the food I had, so salted popcorn for Jax, toffee for Nate and Chocolate for me. We watched horror movies until we passed out.

-The next day-

Nate and Jax were getting ready to go home. "Wait guys... my parents are gone ALL weekend... you could stay another night if you wanted" truth be told I just don't like being alone... "I can't mate I really gotta get home" Jaxon said before uttering his last goodbye and running out of the brown, wooden front door to make his way home. I looked at Nate hoping that he would. "I'll call my mum" he said and walked off into the living area to talk to his mum... his mum was a pretty cool person... she was pretty chill with everything. But it was as if Nate saw into my mind and knew that I didn't want to be alone. He came back into the room grinning. "She said yes" he exclaimed. I jumped for joy and threw my arms around his neck... I don't know why I just did that... I never do that... uh oh. I slowly recoiled myself, knowing that I couldn't undo what had already been done. "What was that Luc?" Nate asked. I blushed heavily, suddenly finding a strange fascination with my feet. I soon found two black socks with purple toes in line with my orange and black striped ones. I felt a finger touch the bottom of my chin and gently tilt my face up to face his. He repeated his question. "I... I ... er... I dont know?" I replied in hope that he would leave the subject alone. Instead he raised an eyebrow and that is when I knew he wouldn't leave it alone. I swallowed whatever ounce of pride I had and told Nate about my feelings towards him and how I am gay and he is the first to know. I closed my eyes expecting to hear all sorts of abuse and how it's wrong, instead I find a soft pair of lips upon mine, I start kissing back and slowly snake my arms around his neck. He pressed my back gently against the wall and started kissing down my neck, earning him soft moans, making him smirk into the crook of my neck. Things soon became very intimate and well... use your imaginations.

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