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-2 years later-


We hadn’t dealt with Nates death as well as we would have hoped. Luc and I were both angry at the world. Although we both had different ways of dealing with our anger. Luc was straight now. He wouldn’t speak to his dad… though I would go round to his dad and sit with him, just to chat.

Of course I knew why he wouldn’t speak to his dad. His dad told me everything. But he wouldn’t speak to me either. Lucas had become the biggest homophobic bastard in our rundown town. I had run into him a few days prior to visiting his dad. Everything was awkward and we had no clue what to say to each other.

I was telling Harry (Luc’s Dad, don’t think I mentioned his name before now) about the run in and how his son was doing and everything. I told him all about Peter and I moving in together. By this time Harry had the whiskey out. Where I am still on my first one, not really touching the throat burning liquid, he was on his 7th. Harry had begun slurring his words. It’s not like I could do anything about it, Harry was more adult than I was, although he acted like more of a child than I did. Especially when drinking.

After 10 more drinks for the childish forty-something year old. I decided that it was finally time to lay him down. I managed to get him over to the sofa and sit him down. Suddenly he grabbed my face and pulled me down onto the sofa with him. His lips crashed to mine. I start to panic. This is my ex-boyfriends dad trying to get it on with me. And I had a boyfriend, I couldn’t let this happen. I pushed him as hard as I could and it wouldn’t work… I tried most things that wouldn’t physically hurt him. Eventually I had to settle for punching him in the balls to get him off of me. It worked and I shouted at him “NO! You can’t do that! You’ve known me for 13 years this is sick and twisted! You need help!” that’s when I bolted out of the front door and never looked back.

As I sat at home waiting for Peter to get back, the events of today really had my head in a whirl. If he felt like this when he was drunk… who knows how many times he thought of taking my innocence as a child… it really freaked me out. What if he was just waiting until I was older? What if he was waiting until it wasn’t paedophilia? Everything about this made me feel sick to my stomach.

The few hours before Peter got home, left alone with my own thoughts. Well to say the least was torture. No matter how many times I showered I could not get the feeling of disgust off of me.

Eventually Peter got home and I flew into his arms, starting to explain everything that had happened. He sat me down on the sofa and looked me in the eyes. I explained everything that had happened. Suddenly his stare went cold. “you shouldn’t have let that happen Jaxxy.” Something in the tone of his voice made me uneasy.

He got up from the sofa, looking down on me. Eyes glazed over with rage. “It’s your fault baby. I wouldn’t have to do this if you would just be more careful” he spoke his words slowly and calmly. An eerie silence washed over the room right before it happened.

He struck me. Hard. And once I was on the floor he kicked me, before walking out of the door and uttering those few last words. “I’ll be back when I feel like you have learned your lesson. 

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