Chapter 11

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I'm looking for a cover, if anyone knows anyone please let me know!!!

Ryan spun me around and pushed me against the door. His mouth trailed down my jaw, leaving kisses along the way, his hands pushed my dress down to the floor. I fumbled at his shirt pulling at it until his mouth left my body and he pulled his shirt off, carelessly tossing it to the floor. I licked my lips as I ran my hands down his abs.

"I saw that," he said kissing the spot right below my ear.

"What?" I huffed.

"The look you had on your face. Admit it, you're a fangirl." He said pulling my hair back, leaving my neck exposed and open to his every whim.

"Never," I said wrapping one leg around his waist, my hands threaded in his hair as his mouth went lower down my neck.

He left feather light kisses across the tops of my breasts, as hand went between my thighs. "Always so ready for me," his fingers parted my folds and his thumb found my clit. At the same time his mouth sucked my nipple into his mouth, causing an overload of pleasure to soar from my mouth.

"Oh sweet baby Jesus," I moaned as his finger slid into me. I pulled his mouth to mine, moaning into his mouth as my tongue searched for his. His finger dipped inside me and he instantly found what he was looking. I could feel his smile against my lips as he lightly brushed my spot bringing me to instant orgasm. I dug my nails into his bicep and buried my face into his neck and rode the out the wave. Pulling back I looked up at him, "I want to try something," I said sinking to my knees, my hands moving to his belt buckle.

"Mila," he moaned as I pushed his jeans and boxers off at once, "Babe, you really don't have to do this," he moaned as I took him in my hand.

"I want to," I said licking him from base to tip. I put the head in my mouth and sucked while he stared down at me through hooded eyes. I pulled him out of my mouth stroking and twisting my hands as I licked from the bottom up.

"Oh fuck babe, your mouth is divine."

"Teach me what you like," I pleaded, looking up into his blue eye

"Mila..." he groaned.


"Tilt your head back and stick out your tongue," he replied running his hand along my cheek.  He took his erection in his hand and placed it on my tongue. "Lick," he demanded. I swirled my tongue around my head. He moved his hand to the back of my head and shoved his erection into my mouth, taking me by surprise as his cock hit the back of my throat. I let my jaw go loose and met him half way for every thrust he gave me. "Look at me. Shit babe, just like that, keep your tongue out," he said as I placed my palms on his thighs. He pulled half way out and thrust back in one last time, before pulling out completely, "Stop."

"Did I do something wrong?"

"God no, you could never do anything wrong. Your mouth maybe divine but your cunt is heaven," he replied, as he picked me up I wrapped my legs around his waist. He slammed my back up against the door as he entered me, as I let out a strangled cry.  I clawed his shoulders as he thrust into me with wild abandon. 

"Ryan!" I cried out, as the orgasm over took me. I saw the stars as I started to spasm around his cock.  His torturous thrusts continued as his hand made its way down to my clit, while the other continued to hold me against him. 

"One more, babe, one more," he moaned as his thumb pressed into my clit. I arched my back, shoving my breasts towards his face as I let out a final cry as we came together. With my legs still around him he carried me back to the bedroom, laid me on the bed and crawled in beside me. "I love you," he whispered, as he pulled the covers up over us, "You don't have to say anything, I know how you feel even if youre too afraid to say it." He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm around my waist just before he started to snore.



"Yeah we'll be ready in thirty," Ryan said as I opened my eyes. He rolled over and gave me that smile, the one that could literally make me do anything, "Mornin sunshine."

"Even fresh out of bed you look like a Greek god," I thought as I stared at his mussed up hair and his stubble that was coming in.

"Greek god, huh?" he asked with a sly grin.

"I did not just say that out loud!" I cried out, putting my face in my hands.

"Come on, you gotta get up."

"What time is it?"


"In this house we sleep in on Sundays," I replied, laying down and pulling the blankets over my head.

"Thomas will be here in less than half an hour."

I sat up so fast my head started to spin, "Who's Thomas and why is he coming to my house? You know I don't let random people in my house."

"Oh trust me, I know," Ryan laughed, "I had to fix your doorbell."

"Well maybe this Thomas can fix the garage door, it has been sticking recently." I laid my head back down. "So who is Thomas?"

"I'm not quite sure, I hired him as a body guard, but he's sort of a jack of all trades, he does it all. Now come on Mila, we gotta be at the airport in an hour if we want to go shopping today," he said as he pulled the covers off me.

"I'd rather sleep."

"Sleep over shopping?" he laughed, crawling from the foot of the bed up in between my legs and planted a kiss on my lips, "If you shower now you can sleep on the jet. Now get your sexy ass into the shower before I make you."

"I need coffee."

"Thomas is bringing some. Shower, coffee, plane, beach house."

"I do believe you mentioned shopping," I said getting out of bed.

"Yup, we fly to NYC on Friday for the team's charity bowling event, and you're going to need something to wear," he stated following me into the shower.

"I have clothes." I stepped into the steaming water and instantly woke up.

"Not for this you don't. The press will be there, so will the guys from the team and their wives. And Mila, these women aren't like you and your friends, they don't have southern charm and they aren't nice. They're conniving, cunning and downright cruel. They're not like us, they're.... different."

"So it's a big deal?" I asked as I rinsed my hair.

"Yes, it's the first time the press will see as a couple and the pictures will be everywhere by Saturday morning," he stated stepping out of the shower. I was instantly lost in thought as I stepped out of the shower, even more so when I was getting dressed. "You ok?"

"Ryan, I don't know if I can afford something nice enough to wear to this, and even if I had the money I don't know what I'm supposed to wear to these things or where to buy them."

"I already told you, money will never be an issue, I can promise you that, and Jordan will help you."


"Yeah, she's Ray's wife, he's my teammate. Anyway she owns a shop in Miami, you'll meet her today and she'll help you get everything you need, and she'll help you with the other girls." I threw on a tshirt just before the doorbell rang. I opened the door and let the stoic, burly man inside. He was in his forties, with a shaved head, at least 6 foot tall and his shoulders were as wide as they were muscular.

"You must be Thomas," I smiled, and held out my hand.

"That I am, and you must be Mila," he said.

"Yup!" I said shaking his hand. I could already tell I liked him, his smile showed he wasn't as big and bad as he came off. Ryan came out of my room with my suitcase and duffle bag in his hands and handed them to Thomas.

"Ready to go?" Ryan asked.

I took one last look around my living room, realizing my life was taking me away from what I knew. I took his hand realizing that my future was standing in front of me, "As long as I'm with you, I'm ready for anything."

Please tell me what yall think!! Don't forget to give me a star on this chapter, ya know if you like it and all.

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