• E L E V E N - PT 2 •

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I woke up the next morning to screaming and shouting. Pulling the silk covers off my body, a dull ache in my head as I pulled on a hoodie and slippers and walked outside. I managed to avoid everyone's questions yesterday and rushed off to bed.

Harper was in tears and screaming at Jake, her screams were muffled when teary eye'd Jake pulled her into his chest. Only Alex, Caden, Danny and Carter were standing with them outside the bedroom doors.

I remember Eli saying something about there parents taking the other kids to there cousins house for a few days, it's about 4 hours away from here.

"What happened?" I ask, Carter's head snaps up and he meets my eye. I spit the tears in his eyes wanting to spill out.

"He's gone," Caden says. "We can't find Jacob, all we have is this." He holds up a small blanket with smothers of blood on it.

"Is that. . ."

Carter nods answering my unasked question. I immediately run into the bathroom, pulling the toilet seat up and throwing up. My hair was pulled out of my face and a gently a hand was rubbing up and down my back until I finished.

I stood up and washed my hands. Brushing my teeth, I turn around to face Carter.

"What does Caden mean?"

He begins to walk out and I follow him, down the stairs and into the living room, in silence.

"We need to find him." Harper shakes Jake, he nods and pulls her back into this chest.

"Will someone please fucking tell me what's going on?" I almost yell.

"It all your fault." Harper stands up a furious look on her face. "If Jake went and checked on his son first then maybe, we could have found him by now." What?

"Wait, what?"

"Jacob missing you ducking idiot." She yells in my face.

"How's that my faults?"

"Because Jake wanted to go and check on his beloved sister first." She says sarcastically.

"This is my fault now? How is it my fault that Jake wanted to check on me first?"

"Just shut up Sophia, I don't even want to see your face." She storms off.

I just stand there stunned. What is she on?

My head just then realised what she said. Jacobs missing. He's missing.

"How long has he been gone?" I ask no in particular.

"We checked his room like 30 minutes ago."

"Send out people to see if they can find anything," I tell Carter.

"I already have."

"He knows how to do his job, Sophia." Emily walks in and holds on to Carter's arm.

I hold a hand on my head as it begins to ache. "Sit down Sophia and don't stress." Jake pulls me down next to him. Jake phone pings next to him. He glances at the message. His mouth falls open.

"Is mark really dead?" Jake asks. I nod.

He shows me his phone.

Dearest Jake,

Jacobs a handful, he's a real fighter just like his auntie. But I think I'll keep a hold of him for a while.

The undead Mark.

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