• T W E N T Y - T H R E E •

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• A D O P T I O N •

"Were you ignoring me today?" I ask Carter following him into his room. We just got back from the cliff after dropping everyone off and Carter hasn't spoken to me at all, just small words.

"No, why would you think that?" He asks taking his shirt off in a swift movement, making his muscles tense.

God, those abs.

"Because you've ignored me all day today, even on the way back you wouldn't talk to me." I tell him rolling my eyes as he begins to un-button his pants, completely ignoring me.

"Fine be that way." I grit out, turning around and walking out the room. I open my room door and slam it shut. Taking my shirt off and pants I walk to the bathroom and start the shower making sure to close the door.

What is his problem?

Removing my undergarments, I step into the shower letting the warm water hit my body, closing my eyes I rest my head against the tiles and let the water run down my head and back.


I jump at the sound of his voice as arms circle around my waist pulling me to a bare chest. I sigh as he gently caresses my bare skin.

I couldn't help but hear the tiredness and need in his voice. Something bothering him.

"Whats the matter carter?" I ask him turning around in his arms as the water hits my back. "Nothing." He says bringing his hand up and rubbing his thump under my eyes.

"Carter, I know somethings bothering you, tell me." I demand letting my shoulder slouch against him.

"I'm sacred." He says, I lift my head up to look at him.

"Of what?"

"Of losing you." He admits. "That letter that you got. It's been on my mind ever since, I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to you." He smiles-a sad smile.

"Nothings going to happen to me carter. Plus, I'm use to all this-all this note threatening thing. It's nothing new for me. But I'm not gonna lie to you and say that everything is going to fine because I know it's not and so do you. James isn't going to stop until he gets what he wants carter." I say as I gently wash his hair and rinse it out.

"What does he want?" He asks doing the same to my hair, massaging my head to making me close my eyes.

"Me, he either wants me or he wants to hurt me." I open my eyes.

"I'm not gonna let him hurt you Sophia, I don't exactly know what he wants but I'm going to help you. Nobody and I mean nobody is hurting or even touching my angel." I smile and lean up connecting my lips to his.


Sparks is what I feel. A hundred of them just exploded in my stomach, making my stomach do somersaults.


"Hey, you wanted to talk?" I say walking into Elizabeth's office as her and John both nod and motion to the sofa which I take a seat on.

"Look Sophia, we've been thinking, we've thought a lot about this and talked a lot about it, but we don't want to do anything without your permission." She said glancing at john who was stood next to her.

Taking my hand in hers, she takes a big deep breath, which gets my heart beating 10 times faster.

"We want to adopt you and make you officially part of this family."


Sorry for taking so long to update, I was busy with school and stuff. Anyway hope you enjoyed this update and also sorry if you were shipping for carter and Sophia to get together, I assure Sophia and carter will get together because I ship them too.





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