• T E N - PT 2 •

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I'm doing a double update because I want too.


WARNING: I would just like to point out that I don't know a lot about Brian tumours or anything about the surgeries. This is purely a fiction book, so I'm sorry if I say or do anything wrong in this chapter.

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My eyes slowly blink open. I let out a low groan looking at my surroundings. The white hospital room looked dark with just a bit of light coming from the bathroom.

My eyes wander to the window where I see nothing but darkness. The ticking sound of a clock and the beeping of the heart monitor is all I can hear.

8:45 pm

The door opens slightly and a redhead nurse pokes her head in. She smiles when she sees me awake and walks in fully.

"How are you feeling miss Williams?"

"I've felt better."

She lets out a small laugh, "I let the doctor know you're awake and he'll be with you shortly to let you know how the surgery went."

I nod slightly and she walks out of the room. I let out a sigh and glance at my bag on the chair next to me with my clothes. I reach over and pull my phone out of it.

When I turn it on a number of miss calls and text messages crowd my home screen. My finger accidentally dials Jake number. I decided to just talk to him then decline the call.

"Sophia," his frantic voice comes from the other side.


"Oh my god. Where are you Sophia and why didn't you tell me?" He breaks down.

My heart breaks at the sound of his sobs. He found out.

"Jake, I'm sorry," I croak out keeping my tears at bay. "I wanted to tell you."

"Then why didn't you?"

"Because," I pause, "Because you were happy Jake. . . I saw the way you looked at Harper and Jacob. You were finally smiling and laughing after so long, I didn't want to take that from you. If I told you, you would drop everything to be with me and I couldn't do that to you."

"Your an idiot Sophia."

"I know," I whisper. "But I wanted you to be happy and not worry about me."

"I'll always worry about you."

"I'm sorry."

"What room are you in? I came in the morning but you were already in surgery. I'm coming right now."

"Room 143," I tell him looking at the door. I decided not to argue with him over this.

"I'm on my way." He said.

"No, wait," I say. "Come tomorrow morning Jake, I'm tired."



"Okay fine, get some rest, I'll see you tomorrow." I cut the call off as the doctor walks into the room.

"Miss Williams," he addresses me. "Your surgery went well. We successfully removed a tumour. You have to come back in about 2 weeks for your next check-up appointment, but as far as I am concerned, you're free to go, if you wish."

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