• T W E N T Y - T W O •

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• N I G H T M A R E •

"Mom." I scream as I feel my body being pulled back with a strong force. I watch as my family's car blows up into flames. Over and over again. I hear my brothers screams.

I feel trapped as I watch it happen on repeat never ending. I scream for help-for someone to help me, to help them. There body's falling into ash. The car rolling over.

His face comes up.

Laughing in my face.

Sending me an evil smirk.

Touching my body with his grimly dirty hands.

It starts again. The screams ripping through my ears. Feeling there pain on my body. My body racking in sobs and screams.

Screaming, my body shot up, everyone sitting around me, looking worried, scared. My breathing heavy, I was sweating. I could feel his dirty hands on me.

Everyone just looked at me waiting for me to move. "Sophia." Elizabeth's soft voice said next to me. Just like mothers used to when I used to have a nightmare.

But right now, all I can hear are her screams. I hold my head in my hands, tried to get rid of the screams. "Make it stop." I scream clutching my head tightly. Arms wrap around me, "Sophia, calm down." Carters voice said.

"Make it stop Carter, it hurts, it hurts so much." I sob into his chest, clutching his shirt. "Shhh..." he cooed in my ear rubbing my back soothingly.

"I want it to stop." I whisper closing my eyes, but as soon as I do, I snap them open as the same incident repeat in my head. "Hey, its okay." His hand laying on my lower back, I can hear the worry in his voice.

"Everyone go to bed." Elizabeth's voice said as I heard a patter of feet leave my room. "Shhh..." he continues to whisper in my ear. My sobs slowly become quite. For some reason I didn't want to sleep in my room, I wanted to be in Carters, where he can hold me close.

"Take me to your room please." I whisper. He nods his head and picks me up bridal style. I bury my head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his godly sense.

I hate it. I hate all of this. I hate feeling weak. I hate having people have to help me. I hate waking up every morning, not in my own house-with Jake throwing water on me, pranking me.

I was dragged away from my thoughts as Carter laid me down on his bed-brushing the hair away from my face-to see my tear streaked face. I close my eyes as his fingers wipe away any tears slipped out.

"Beautiful eyes like yours, don't deserve tears in them." He whispered his thumb caressing my cheek as I lean into his touch.


"Hmm?" I hummed in response.

"Thank you."

"I'd do anything for you, even if I have to kill myself." Was the last thing I heard as my eyes closed shut.


"Stay." I mumble grabbing Carters arm pulling him back down on the bed as I cuddle closer to him. He chuckles, "5 more minutes."

"Yeah, whatever." I say closing my eyes, falling back to sleep again.


"Come on Sophia, get up." Carter nudges me. I grumble in response and roll to the other side of the bed, snuggling the blanket closer to me as it smells of Carter.

"Your so lazy." He sighs.

"I know." I reply.

"Angel, you need to get up, it already the afternoon."

"Exactly, it's too early for me." I groan back as he tugs on the blanket. "Carter, I swear to god, I will cut your fucking dick off if you don't stop." I threatened as he instantly stopped.

"If you cut my dick off, who you gonna have sex with?" He asks, I can imagine a sexy smirk on his handsome face.

Turning around with a innocent smile on my face, "there of plenty of men with dicks Carter, your not the only one." He glares at me huffing and stand up walking into the bathroom.

After a few minutes I heard the shower run. I was debating on whether or not join him in the shower.

Should I go?

Should I not?

Should I go?

Should I not?

I'm gonna go.

Standing up I strip from my clothes and slip into the bathroom. Slipping into the shower I wrap my arms around his torso startling him. "Sorry." I mumble against his back.

"There's nothing a kiss can't fix." He grinned turning around, leaning forward about to connect our lips before my hand come in contact with his lips.

"I haven't brushed my teeth." I tell him, he shrugs, "I don't care." He connects our lips as they move in sync and create little butterfly's in my stomach.


"So what are we doing today?" I ask sitting next to Carter on the sofa. "Were planning on going to the cliff." Caden says. I furrowed my brows, "the cliff?" I questioned.

"You'll see." Carter said rubbing his hand up and down my arm.


"The guys are here." Carter says walking back inside with Brandon, Cole,  Chris and Layne following behind. "Let's go." Eli hollers and runs out the door as everyone else follows suit.

"Shot gun." I yell running up to Carter car and jumping in the passenger seat. Layne, Cole and Brandon get in the back. Carter starts the car as the other get in the other cars and drives off.

"So, Sophia tell us about yourself?" Cole says. "Why?" I question.

"Because we want to get to know you better." Cole shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, lets all play 20 questions." I suggested and they agreed.


Sorry for any mistakes in this chapter. I did proof read it but there might be some mistakes I missed out. I don't mind if you politely point them out.

Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be longer😴



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