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• H O U S E  T O U R •

I jump awake from the speaker in the jet informing us we have landed. I get up and follow Elizabeth out the jet. I'm lucky I brought a change of clothes because this California heat is too much.

During the flight I changed into some denim shorts with a black crop top which shows off my tanned body. I pulled my ray bands down to cover my eyes from this blazing sun.

"This way Sophia" Elizabeth calls. I followed her all the way to a black SUV. I got inside after Elizabeth and the car started to drive.

"My husband john was suppose to pick us up but he had some important work to attend to, so you will meet him at dinner today hopefully" she smiling at me. I just nodded back.

I was actually kinda nervous. I don't want them to think I'm intruding in there house or something. Usually I'm very confident and don't get scared or nervous of meeting to new people but living with all boys is nerve racking.

I looked out the window and watched how we passed the loud and busy area and went into a clean and quite one. The car pulled up at gate to which the driver put a pin in.

The gates opened reviling a mansion. It's much bigger than the one I live in. But it would be though because here more than 10 people live.

The car stopped out the mansion after it went around the fountain which was in the middle. Elizabeth opened door and got out and I did the same.

"Come on Sophia, let meet the boys" Elizabeth said dragging me inside. She pulled me through the double door which is the entrance of the house. The inside looks so unique and vintage.

Two spiral stair cases leading upstairs. So many other doors downstairs that I don't even know what's what. "The boys are outside" a lady came up to Elizabeth. "Okay" Elizabeth replied and lead me through the doors around the back which I think lead to the back garden.

I walked outside to see 12 boys playing soccer. There all shirtless. I think I'm gonna die. The more older looking boys, have a much more muscular body and make me want to die. I feel like my ovaries are gonna explode by looking at them 6 packs. 

"Boys" Elizabeth yelled trying to get there attention but they weren't listening. She yelled a few more times but they were still to busy playing.

"Let me try" I said to Elizabeth to which she nodded. I put my fingers in mouth and blew out a whistle causing ally here attention on me.

Before I knew it a ball came flying towards me. I caught the ball and kicked it, shooting a goal. All the boys looked at me starstruck. Some of them even hand there mouths open.

"Who are you?" Blond haired boy asked me. I pushed my ray bands up on my head before replying.

"Name Williams, Sophia Angel Williams" I said with a smirk. They all still had there mouth open not saying anything. I looked over to Elizabeth and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Boys this is Sophia, she will be staying here with us. All of you come and introduce yourself" she said. A little boy with blond hair came running up to me and hugged my legs.

"I'm Noah" he said in his sweet voice. I crouched down "I'm Sophia, but you can call me soph. You are a very handsome boy" I said pitching his cheeks. He just laughed and ran away.

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