• E I G H T - PT 2 •

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"Hey Alec," I say smiling when I reach him near the park bench. He hands me a bunch of files.

"There you go," He gives a small smile.

"Thank you," I reply back. He turns around and starts to walk away. I quickly place the file down and take out the injection and poke it into his neck.

"What the hell?" He yells as his body falls to the ground.

I smirk at him, "You will be in able to move your body for about 6 hours unless I give you the other injection." I say holding up a blue liquid.

"Why are you doing this?" He asks trying to look down at his body.

"Because you did something, or at meats, I think you did something."

"What did I do?"

"You shot Elijah."

"No, I didn't," He denies.

"Alec, this is going to be much easier for the both of us, if you just answer the question. I can stay here all night. I have plenty more injections for you."

He lets out low, dark laugh. "I'm not telling you anything."

My eyebrows raise up. "So, you did shoot him."


"Looks like we're gonna do this the hard way," I say shaking my head, standing up and dragging his arm to my car.

• • •

"Thank you so much for helping him," Alec's wife says smiling at me as I placed a half-asleep Alec on the couch.

"No problem." I smiled back at her, glancing down at Alec who had bruises and a few cuts on him.

"Let him rest, he needs it," I tell her. She nods and walks with me to the door.

Alec was indeed the one who shot Elijah, but he was forced to do it. Someone had taken his 1-year-old daughter and told him if he didn't do it they would kill her.

He was telling me the truth because I had checked his phone and saw the messages and pictures. I tried tracking the number but nothing came up. I asked him if he's ever met the person and he said yes but he's never seen what he looks like because the guy is always wearing a black hood.

I brought him home after and decided that I've done enough with him. I won't tell Elijah anything yet. I've made sure to talk some sense into Alec so that he helps me. If this guy hates Elijah that much he wants him dead, he has to be an enemy or something.

• • •

1 week later

"So I asked around and nothing, no one knows who told them, they said they heard everyone else talking about it," Levi says standing around the table with the rest of us.

I glance at Alec knowing he was the one told everyone, he didn't meet my gaze, instead, he begins to talk to Harper who asks me something.

Carter sighs and shakes his head, "It has to be an enemy."

I just stare off into the distance and then look at Elijah who looks stressed out. I was about to open my mouth when a phone ringing cuts me off. We all look at Alec and he looks at me with a worried expression.

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