Chapter 1 - College School

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I turned around to see Jimin hyung waving at me. I ran towards him and gave him a huge hug.

"Hyung.. i missed you.."
"I missed you too."
"I'm just jealous." Namjoon said along with his boyfriend, Jin.
"I missed you guys too." He shyly laughed.

"Let's go in." Jimin said.
"But.. school hasn't start yet."
"We have to choose our new roommates."

They stopped in front of the school hall. "Everyone must reach in and grab onto a piece of paper. Each paper has a room number on it. When 2 people got the same room number, they share a room."

"Room 465." Jungkook said.
"Mine is 467!"
"Yes! We're right across each other." They hugged.

"Joonie and i got the same room [469]." Jin said while the other kept smirking.
"Yah. Stop that." He lightly hit onto the older's shoulder, earning himself a hug.

"My ship is sailing-"

"Hey guys!" Hoseok said walking towards us.

"Y-yoongi hyung.." Jimin shyly said.
"Hey Jimin." The older looked back at him with heart eyes.

"Have you guys picked a room yet?"
"Just about to."

Yoongi got room 463.
Damn it.

"Room 467?" Hoseok stared blankly at the paper.
"Hyung! We're roommates!" Jimin said as Hoseok excitedly hugged onto the other.

Yoongi clenched his fist.

"Hey Hoseok."
"Oh.. h-hi Jackson.."
"Which room number did you got?"
"Room 467."
"I was hoping you got room 463.." Jackson shyly said.

Hoseok have been secretly crushing onto Jackson. But he doesn't know how to tell him yet.

"Room 463? You're my roommate?" Yoongi blankly asked while scratching onto the back of his neck.
"I guess so." Jackson smiled.

It couldn't get any more awkward than this. Yoongi thought.

"Yoongi hyung.."
"Wanna um.. exchange with me-ouch!" Hoseok yelped when Jimin hit onto his arm. "Traitor."
"Hey! It's better than letting them both suffer.."
Jackson shyly laughed at the comment.

"Sure." Yoongi said as they switched their room numbers. "I'll be Jimin's new roommate."

Yoongi hyung..

"Hey Jimin."
"Y-yeah hyung?"
"Why are you acting all nervous?" The older laughed. They have been friends since kindergarten school.
"Oh.. And why is your face so red?" He lightly cupped onto his cheek.
"H-hey let's go get our keys." Jimin said as he quickly walked away.

What a cutie..

"I wonder who my roommate's gonna be.." Jungkook mumbled to himself.
"Huh? Don't worry Jungkook. Everyone's nice around here. Except.."


"Kim Taehyung."


My Seductive Roommate | Taekook ✨🥀 [more chapters added]Where stories live. Discover now