Chapter 8

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Haru couldn't stop thinking on the gift she reseved that day. It had been 2 weeks but it never left his mind. He rubbed his stomach while sitting behind the counter. The restaurant wasn't to busy that day and the two kids were at school. Nagisa and them would probably be there soon but Haru had their food ready.

Haru felt tired but it was most likely the pregnancy. There was only three workers since Haru sent most of them home for how slow it was. Haru yawned and sat back on the chair looking down at his swollen belly.

He smiled at the memory when Haru was pregnant of Mako. Makoto would always let Haru sit on his lap but only because he wanted to feel the baby. Makoto would always talk to the small person that was growing in his husband's belly. Makoto did that with Akari as well and Haru knew he would do the same with this one if he was still with him.

Not long after did Nagisa burst threw the door holding his own belly, "I'm hungry, so is this kid, feed us please!"

Haru only chuckled before getting up and walking to the back to get the trey with everyone's food and Nagisa's dessert. Once he got back Rei was telling Nagisa he had to eat food before dessert. Rei took the try from Haru and took it outside with Nagisa following. One of the workers handed a tray with drink to Haru. Haru carried it outside and set it down next to the tray with food.

"I'm starving," Rin says licking his lips.

"Your acting like you never saw food before," Sousuke says with a sigh.

"I haven't since yesterday night," Rin says with a small glare towards his husband.

"Well you woke up late so it's your fault," Sousuke takes his drink from the tray and takes a sip out of it.

"You could have woken me up!" Rin exclaims.

"You looked peaceful," Sousuke says with a small smile.

Rin mumbles something under his breath. Nagisa giggles taking some food from Rei's plate and Rin's. They both yelled at him and which made him laugh. Haru sat and smiled. Everything was going well so far.

[I]Bang! Bang! Bang!

Some guys had gotten off on the other side of the street and started shooting towards the 5 men.

Rei hugged Nagisa going onto the floor covering him so he wouldn't get hit. Haru fells to the floor being careful with his stomach and wrapping his arms around it trying to protect it. Rin kneeled down blocking Haru and Sousuke covered Nagisa and Rei. They both started to shoot back at them. The tables wouldn't help much to cover them but they had no choice but use them as shields.

Rin called for back up and it didn't take long for more officers to arrive. But once the guys heard the sirens they hoped in the car and drived away. Most of them chased after them. Only two stopped and got off to check on them.

Ai and Momo got off the car quickly and went over to them with worry in their eyes.

"Rin! Sousuke! Haru! Nagisa! Rei! Are you guys alright!?" Nitori exclaimed with worry.

Sousuke got up and helped Rei pick up a shaking and crying Nagisa. Rin turned around to face Haru, he was shaking and crying as well. They were both scared of loosing their children. Rin hugged Haru to comfort him and calm him down. Haru was shaking badly and whispered for Makoto but Rin knew that Makoto wouldn't be able to do anything even if he wanted to.

Sousuke was a little jealous since Rin tried to help Haru a lot more and gave him more attention. Sousuke knew Haru needed someone but did it have to be Rin..?

Sousuke clenched his first as he watched Rin hug Haru and tried to confort him. He wanted to keep them apart, but how..?

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