Chapter 3

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"Bye uncle Nagisa and uncle Rei," the two Tachibana kids say waving at them and running in the school. The couple waves at them before they start walking once again.

"Will you be okay walking to class alone?" Mako asks his little sister.

"Yes, I'm a big girl," Akari smiles at her brother and let's go of his hand.

"Okay, I'll see you after school," Mako smiles and walks to his friends.

Akari skips to her class. She didn't have any friends yet, it was only the second day since she has ever started school. She liked to talk to people like Makoto and she had his personality and kindness.

She walked in class and went to the seat she was assigned. While she waited for class to start to opened the heart locket Makoto had gave her for her birthday. Inside was a picture of Haru holding one year old Mako and Makoto holding a five month old Akari. She loved it so much. It was her family.

She closed it and held it tight in her hand. "I'll make daddy proud of me," Akari whispered to herself. She than began to tear up and put her head down on her desk.

Someone pocked her shoulder and she looked up seeing a boy with brown hair and olive eyes, "Hey, are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"My daddy, I want my daddy back," Akari said wiping her tears.

"Did he leave? Maybe he will come back," the boy said patting her back.

"He won't, he's gone, I want to make him proud but I don't know how," Akari begins to cry.

"I see, well try you best," the boy smiles and holds a hand out. "Ito Riku."

"Tachibana Akari," Akari shakes his hand and smiles slightly.

Before Riku can say anything the bell rang and he sat down in his seat infront of Akari. The teacher walked in.

--At Break--

Riku sits next to Akari, "Hey, mind if I sit with you Tachibana?"

"Akari is just fine, but I don't mind," Akari smiles slightly.

"I like your eyes, their nice," Riku says smiling.

"Thank you, I get them from my papa," Akari says giving a closed eyes smile.

"Papa? I thought he was gone?" Riku asked confused.

"No, my papa is at home, my daddy is gone," Akari sit sadness on her voice and trying to keep her smile.

"You have two dad's?" Riku asked.

Akari nods, "Yeah, my papa's name is Haruka and my daddy's name is Makoto."

"That's so cool! I only have a mommy and a daddy," Riku says. "But it's cool that you have two daddy's!"

"I like having two daddy's, they are so nice and loving. But my papa is really sad," Akari frowns and looks down.

"Two dad's ew, gross," a voice said behind them.

"That's not nice," Riku says looking at a girl with blonde hair and light blue eyes.

"But it's true, it's gross, my mom and dad said it's wrong," she says going over to the two.

"My papa and daddy love each other," Akari said clenching her fist.

"But it's wrong, aren't you embarrassed?" The girl said standing infront of Akari.

"No! I love my daddy's! And it isn't wrong!" Akari yells.

The girl smirks evily and falls on the floor starting to cry, "She punched me!"

"What!?" The teacher rushes over and picks up the girl. "Tachibana why would you do such thing!?"

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