Chapter 2

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Haru was walking back to his restaurant with his two children on his side's. Akari was skipping and Mako was just talking. Before they cross the street a cop car stopped them. The window rolls down revealing Sousuke and Rin.

"Get in Nanase," Sousuke says.

"What's wrong? Why do you guys look so down?" Haru asked worriedly.

"Just get in Haru," Rin says.

"It's uncle Rin and uncle Sou!" The two kids exclaims.

Sousuke smiles slightly, "Yes, now come on."

Haru sighs and gets in the back with the two kids. They drive to Haru's house. Haru was slightly confused but didn't want to ask yet. When they arrived Rei's car was parked in the front. Nagisa and Rei were waiting in the front door. Haru noticed Makoto wasn't there and got worried. They get off the car and Haru opens the house. They all walk into the living room.

"Go play in your rooms," Rin says pairing the two kids on the head.

"Okay!" They smile and run to Mako's room.

"Okay, you guys have to sit down, you too Rin," Sousuke says.

They all sit down on the couch and Nagisa sits on Rei's lap.

"What's wrong?" Nagisa asked worried.

"You didn't tell us a word when you asked us to come here," Rei says.

"It's about Makoto," Sousuke says looking at the three boys.

"What's wrong!? Did something happen!?" Haru got up quickly tears in his eyes.

"H-Haru, M-Makoto... H-He's gone," Rin says tears running down his cheeks.

"No," Haru was only able to say that before be breaks into tears. "Tell me your lying!" Haru yells grabbing Sousuke's shirt and shaking him a little.

"I wish I was Haruka," Sousuke says grabbing Haru's wrist and pulling his hands away from his uniform.

Haru falls on his knees and cries, "No! Makoto can't be dead!"

"Papa?" Akari goes over to him. "Why are you crying?"

"Papa what's going on?" Mako goes as well.

Haru hugs them tightly and cries, "He can't be! I need him! The kids need him!"

"Papa..." Akari begins to cry of worry.

"Where's daddy?" Mako asked.

"H-He's gone," Haru sobs.

The two kids began to tear up then started to cry. The three cried. Nagisa was crying and Rei had tears in his eyes.

Sousuke and Rin pull Mako and Akari away from Haru. Rei helps Haru onto the couch to try and call him down.

"Makoto, why didn't anyone do anything!?" Haru yells tears streaming down his cheeks.

"We tried," Rin says patting Akari's back to calm her down.

Haru gets up but his legs get weak and he falls to the ground. Nagisa helps him sit up and hugs him.

"It's okay Haru-chan," Nagisa mumbles.

"It's not, I want him back, I don't want to loose him," Haru cries into Nagisa's shoulder.

"You have to be strong for the kids," Nagisa says rubbing Haruka's back.

"I can't do this!" Haru sobs not being able to calm down.

"Haru, we should get you in bed," Rin hands Akari to Rei and helps Haru to his feet.

"I want Makoto! I lost him!" Haru yells at Rin.

Rin picks him up and takes him to his room, "Just try and rest for a while, we will still be here."

Haru hugs a pillow tightly and hides his face, "I want Makoto."

"Just try and rest for a while," Rin leaves the room and goes back to the other men.

"Rin-chan, will he be okay?" Nagisa asked looking at the red head.

"Not anytime soon," he sighs sliding a hand threw his hair.

Sousuke went to them and wraps an arm around Rin, "I feel bad for him and the kids."

"Haruka-senpai didn't deserve this, the children didn't either," Rei says sighing.

"Maybe one of us should stay with him for a while?" Nagisa looks at the three other men with a sad smile on. "That way he won't be alone."

"Nagisa and I can stay with him for a short time," Rei says.

"That's fine, me and Sousuke can come visit from time to time," Rin says looking at Sousuke.

"We should probably make them some food," Nagisa says getting up.

"Let them rest for a little while," Sousuke says.

"Okay, but I'm hungry," Nagisa pats his stomach.

"When are you not?" Rei sighs getting up.

Rin smiles slightly, "Are you sure he isn't having a child?"

"I'm sure, it's my body so I should know," Nagisa smiles slightly as well.

"You could be lying," Sousuke shrugs.

"You are right but I wouldn't lie," Nagisa says going to the kitchen.

"I believe the same at time but I really don't think he is, he doesn't have morning sickness," Rei says pushing his glasses up.

"So you admit that you guys did do it?" Rin asked.

Rei blushes and shakes head, "I will not answer that question."

"That means you guys did," Sousuke raises an eyebrow looking at Rei.

"I-I'll go help Nagisa," Rei goes into the kitchen.

--Next Morning--

Rei walks into Haru's room with a plate of breakfast, "Haruka-senpai, I brought you something to eat."

"I'm not hungry," Haru mumbles looking at a picture in his hands.

"You must eat something or you will get sick," Rei sighs.

"I'm really not hungry, thank you anyways," Haru lays down and pulls the blanket over his head.

"We will be in the kitchen if you need anything," Rei walk out the room closing the door.

"Uncle Nagisa, I want daddy to come back," Akari says while sitting on his lap.

"He will always be with you," he points to her heart. "In here."

"Really?" She smiled slightly.

"Yes, now let's finish so we can get you guys to school and do your best for daddy."

"I will make daddy proud!" She exclaims with a smile.

"Yes, make your daddy proud by trying your best in school and everything else," Nagisa smiles kissing her forehead and putting her down.

"I will," she smiles and runs to her room.

"Nagisa-kun, you will make a good father one day," Rei says with a smile.

"You will too Rei-chan, because we will be together," Nagisa smiles back.

Haru walks out the room and rushes to the bathroom and begins to vomit.

"I told him he would get sick," Rei looses his smiles and sighs.

"I'm worried," Nagisa says looking his smile as well.

"Me too," Rei looks over to the bathroom door that was slightly open.

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