Chapter 1

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Haruka Nanase woke up next to his husband Makoto Tachibana. They were 26 years old and had their jobs, Makoto as a fireman and Haru as a buiness man for his restaurant. Haru leaned over and kissed his forehead with a smile. Makoto woke up feeling his husbands lips on his forehead. They smiled at each other and kissed before two small children came running in. They were a 6 year old boy, and a 4 year old girl. The boys name was Mako and the girls name was Akari.

Mako has green eyes like Makoto and raven hair like Haru. Akari had blue eyes like Haru and olive brown hair like Makoto. They felt happy with their two children. The family felt perfect.

"Daddy! Papa!" Akari exclaims jumping on the bed.

"Wake up! We have to get to school!" Mako exclaims jumping next to his sister.

"Okay, we will get up," Haru says getting up and picking up his daughter.

Makoto gets up and picks up his son, "I see you guys are exited for your first day of school."

"Yes! I can't wait!" Akari exclaims wrapping her arms around Haru's neck.

"Okay, let's get you guys ready then we will eat," Haru says touching his daughters nose with his own.

Haru takes his daughter to her room and gets her clothing she was going to wear that day. She had a blue shirt with a dolphin in the middle and a dark blue skirt. She ran out and went to the kitchen Haru following.

Makoto helped Mako changed. He was wearing a plane green shirt with some black jeans. When Makoto finished getting him ready Mako ran to the kitchen to meet with his sister. Makoto followed behind him and smiled.

They ate breakfast together. Haru and Makoto went to go get ready as well. After they drop the kids off they had to work. Haru started to feel uneasy but he didn't know why. He just shrugged it off. Once they were done they took the kids to school.

"I'll pick you guys after school," Haru says kissing their foreheads.

"I'll come with papa to pick you guys up," Makoto kisses their noses.

"We love you," they say in unison and kiss their fathers cheeks before running in the school.

Makoto and Haru wave to them with a smile then look at each other.

"I'll see you later," Makoto says.

"Yeah, be safe," he cups Makoto's cheek and brings him down kissing him.

Makoto kisses back and pulls away, "I will, you be safe too."

"I will," he smiles and they hug each other before they part ways.

--Later in the Day--

"Makoto you can't!" Rin yells at him.

"I have to Rin! I can't just let her burn!" Makoto yells back. "I'll be back." Makoto runs in the burning building.

"Makoto!" Rin tries to go after him but Sousuke grabs a hold of him.

"Rin, you can't," Sousuke says.

"Sousuke I'm scared, what if something happens? What will I tell Haru and the kids?" Rin says worriedly.

"I know Rin but we can't go in, were policeman, not firemen," Sousuke tries to calm his husband down but doesn't work to well.

After a few minutes Makoto appears again. But he was still in the building running to the door. Rin gets as close as he cans. Then the top of the building begins to collapse.

"Rin catch!" Makoto yells and throws the little girl to Rin. "Tell them I love them." He smiles his sweet smile and the building collapses over him.

"Makoto!" Rin had caught the girl.

"Makoto..." Sousuke whispers.

"Makoto-senpai..." Momo and Nitori say I unison.

I Thought I Lost YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz