The Awakening of the Vampire Princess Ch.9

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  • Dedicated to Katie Mitchell

i'm on the what's hot list even though i am way back it doesn't matter

i'm reall happy and i wan to thank all the people who supported me so far :)

and thank yous to my fans





thank you



I climbed up the stairs and went to take a shower. I slipped on my blue pyjamas and went to sleep.


Amber's P.O.V

That night I had a weird dream I was on a green meadow. I saw a tall woman standing before me. She looked a lot like me but older and somehow different. She touched my cheek gently.

"Soon enough Anna, soon enough," she told me sadly.

Suddenly she vanished into thin air and I was on the beach. There was a tall guy surfing on the waves in front of me. His moves were very elegant and graceful. He looked like he controlled the waves. He landed on the beach and picked up his surf board. He ran his fingers through his dark brown hair. He had violet eyes. They were so mesmerizing, I stared at them. He had flecks of lilac in them. They were the most beautiful and sexiest eyes I have ever seen. They were magical. And were filled with anger? I couldn't see his body or face just his hair and eyes. He looked at me. My heart started to beat quickly, faster and faster. I thought it was going to jump out of my chest. Suddenly I realised he was looking through me, at a dirty blonde haired girl behind me. She was smiling warmly at him. My chest tightened. I felt like I was being suffocated. The look in his eyes softened. My stomach churned. She didn't have a body or a face either, just her brown eyes and hair. Then the girl shattered into a million pieces. The boy's eyes returned being angry. I shattered.

I woke up crying, well with tears in m eyes. My body was hurting all over. It felt like I was going to implode. I lifted my pyjama top and noticed my whole ribcage crushed inward. That dream was way too realistic. I looked at the clock eight in the morning. It was Saturday at least and Leah would be picking us up at 3. I had plenty of time to buy what I wanted to buy. I sat at my laptop desk and switched on my black laptop. I typed in apartments in the search box and I started going through the long list.

The bell rang after what seemed two hours. I heard Becky calling my name. I looked at my clock it said: 3 o'clock. Oh shoot. I put on my purple skinny jeans and a black loose shirt with a girl skull on it.

"There you are," Leah announced cheerfully.

"Here I am," I said trying to match her tone. It wasn't good that I was letting my emotions control me.

We got into her car and she started driving.

"We will go shopping today for her clothes because that is all you seem to wear," informed me Darcy as she pointed at my clothes. I shrugged.

"And go get you a dress for the ball," added Leah.

"UGH," I groaned.

"You don't expect him to fall for you in those clothes. Do you?" asked Becky.

"No," I muttered under my breath. I was still shaken coz of last night's dream but it's all cool now. I wasn't going to let it crush me. Not again. Not ever.

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