Bonus Chapter 1 - Unicorns and Hippos

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Flip-Flop

Dedicated to Flip-Flop. You'll know why

Bonus Chapter 1




"No way!" I said, pulling my hand away from him.

"Come on!" pleaded Finn, making a puppy dog face.

"No way! We're a couple but we're not those stupid 'love struck' couples who walk around holding each others hands in a dopey world with baloons and unicorns,"

He narrowed his eyes. "Are you saying that Unicorns don't exist?"

I smirked. "Are you saying they do?"

"Bitch, I've met a Unicorn called Hippo who married a Hippo called Unicorn and had Hippocorns!"

I did my best straight face, but the fact that Finn kept a serious face whilst talking all that shit made me grin slightly.

"You don't believe me?" he asked with his mouth wide open. "Then ask Santa!"

"Santa? You still belive in that dickhead?"

"Don't diss Santa! What did Santa ever do to you?"

"He never got me that train set I wanted so badly,"

When we reached the front door to his apartment, I realized that through the whole conversation, his hand hand found mine.

"Maybe you've been a bad boy," he said.

"I was always a good boy,"

We were inside his flat. Privately.

"Nuh huh! You're a very naughty boy!" he said, before grasping my shirt and pulling his mouth on mine.

"Sometimes I do have some naughty thoughts," I said before taking off my shirt and kissing him.

The bonus chapters will be pretty short, because I want to have fun with them and not make it feel like 'work'! I enjoyed writing that but I don't think that I will ever write a spin-off for Fared.


Next one will be up soon!

One More Chanceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें