Chapter 24

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Please note that there might be spelling errors but I'll correct them later, as I'm typing this in my phone

I wanted to give you an early update because.... I'll tell you after the chapter...

Chapter 24

I took a deep breath. “Guys, I need to tell you something,”

The all turned to look at me.

"It's about... " I hesitated.  Maybe it wasn't a good idea. Maybe they won't understand that I was not that. girl anymore.

Josh caught my eye and raised his eyebrows.  I guessed that it was meant to be encouraging, but all it did was bring my confidence down.

Which was why I backed down.

I could not do it. I couldn't bring myself to throw away the life I had built up again, like before.

"It's nothing actually, " I said and looked at Rita. "So are we gonna book the train tickets or not?"

I watched her face process it all and change from confuesed to blank to a delighted expression.

"You're going to do it? Really? Yes! Now let's pop open that champagne! " exclaimed Rita, shaking the bottle and letting the champagne burst like a volcano.

I sat back down and avoided Josh's eyes. I could feel the burning on me, demanding for attention but I did my best to not give it any.

Haze smiled at me and winked.

"We never got to take that break," he said.

"I promised,  didn't I?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Well, you should be glad to know that I won't be going back on any promises tonight "


"Goodluck," wished Jared into my ear as he hugged me on the train platform.  "You won't need it; you'll rock it out there anyway"

"Mate, that's my girlfriend you're over hugging," said Haze with a pretend angry face, but I knew that he was still uncomfortable with me hugging other guys. Which explained his impatience when I said Bye to Josh.

"Don't worry, I'm not into chicks,  remember? " said Jared.

"Yeah, how can I forget?" I said, causing Jared and I to blush with the memory of me trying to kiss him.

"Is there something I'm missing?" asked Haze and we both said 'No' suddenly.

'Guys, the train is here! " called Rita and suddenly I was met by the familiar Whoosh! sound and the slap of wind on face and the anticipation of predicting when the train was going to stop.

"Bye, then" I said, climbing in after Rita

"Keep the cafe tidy!" called Rita and the train door shut suddenly and we were met by silence with the ears of other passengers.


London.  The city I once adored, then turned into a backstabbing female dog as soon as I did one thing  wrong.

When I went on the Tube again, I did not feel like a Londoner going through the same process again and again every morning, seeing the same Big Ben everyday or the Eye.  This time I saw what the tourists saw, and I understood how amazing they found the things that were once ordinary in my life. I think part of the reason was because I saw those things with Rita and Haze who were newcomers.

Now and then,  I saw familiar faces. Co-models,  photographers and even an ex.  Those people did not notice me and I expected that it was because I had discovered the joy of not wearing high heels or counting every calorie. I looked fresher,  not prettier. 

"Why did you leave this place?" asked Haze and my heart stopped. I couldn't lie to him.

"I had to escape... the congestion, " I said and that shut him up.

Rita was in a trance, walking though the streets like she was posses. She avoided the people narrowly but her eyes were glassy. With tears.

"Rita, are you alright? " I asked her and she blinked suddenly. After I saw  the tears in her eyes.

"I'm fine, it's just I've never been here before-" she started.

"Tell me what's wrong," I said softly. "Please"

"Hannah walked down here," she said. "It's weird being here. I know she'd have loved it though.  She was always complaining about How boring and quiet the country side was and telling us to move here, "

"Do you want to visit the school?" I asked her, knowing that we were only a block away from from Sylvia Young Theater School.

"Do you know where it is?" she asked me.

I nodded and watch her make her mind up.

"I'm not ready now. Maybe the next time we come around?" she said.

"Okay," I said, before catching up with Haze whose pace was faster.

"You like it here?" I asked him but his eyes were angry and focused somewhere else.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I saw someone passing a white bag to this little girl barely 16" he said.

"Haze, this happens here all the time," I said.

"But the girl... if she becomes an addict her life is over," he replied.

"Addicts can be cured.  It's not easy but she can be cured," I comforted him.

"Then why not Hannah...?" he trailed off.

I squeezed his arm and hoped that it was comforting.

"I don't know whether you've taken anything before but... promise me you won't ever do anything stupid and take stuff. You've seen what it can do"

It was easy promising something that you promised yourself.

"I won't ever take any dangerous drugs. I promise"

He smiled. "I won't be able to stand it if something happened to you..."

"I'll always be there" I said, then realized my mistake.  "As long as you want me"

"I'll always want you"

I updated, yay!

I should be revising for my science test tomorrow but Oh well...

Wattpad book of the week:  The Fan

Book of the week:  Sleeping Arrangements by Madeline Wickham Song of The Week: 3 by Britney Spears

Oh, I nearly forgot the good news. I know there are books on wattpad with like 50k views, but OMC just reached 1k and it may not be much but it means so much for me so thank you for sticking with this ! I'm so happy!

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