Chapter 14

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Before you all read this, I want to ask for a huge favour! So basically, a really surprising (I hope) fact will be revealed in this chapter, and I want to see your reactions, so PLEASE, PLEASE,PRETTY, PRETTY PLEASE (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) COMMENT!

You hear that? COMMENT! Please! J

Chapter 14

When Jared put his hand on my shoulders, I thought that he was going to push me away, but I hoped that he was going to pull me in closer. He did what I though. He pushed me away with hard, heart-breaking force, and I was left with the shameful feeling of rejection.

“I’m sorry Vanessa,” said Jared, his eyes full of apology. “I didn’t realize that you thought that I was…leading you on…”

“It’s alright…” I said, but I knew that it would always be awkward between us now. We would never gain back the level of friendship we had.

“I suppose you should know,” he said, this time sounding even more serious that he sounded before.

“Know what?” I asked him.

“That I’m…I’m already seeing someone,” he confessed.

It hit me in the gut hard. One of my weaknesses were being picked over someone else, and it hurt so bad that Jared thought I wasn’t good enough for him. That I wasn’t worth this other girl he was seeing. After a childhood of being put down a lot, I gained power to become better than anybody. It was hard to lose this power.

“Right,” I said, wishing that he’d never admitted to dating another girl. “It’s alright if you’re not into me,”

“Wait Vanessa,” he said, sounding agitated. “It’s not as if I’m not into you…well I’m not into you but…how do I say this…”he took a deep breath. “You’re gorgeous, and I would totally be all over you,”

I ignored the blush and focused on my anger. “Would your girlfriend like what you just said to me?”

“That’s the problem,” he said.

“Your problem is your girlfriend?” I asked him

“No…the problem is that I have a boyfriend,” he said, his eyes angry. “There you go, I’ve admitted it! Go on, judge me tell me I’m disgusting,”

For a few seconds I could not speak. I was shocked. The man I had been crushing on was gay. Daisy was right. He was gay. Jared was freaking gay!

“It’s alright,” I said. “There’s nothing wrong with that,”

He looked reluctant, but still relieved.

“You think so?” he asked me. “I never told anyone else apart from you and him,”

“They won’t judge,” I reassured. “Haze knows better than that, and I’m sure Josh told me about his best friend who was gay,”

“I’m still sorry for…you know,” he trailed off.

“Forget it ever happened,” I told him. He gave me a grateful smile.

“So...who’s the lucky guy?” I asked him, giving him a playful nudge.

“It’s…well, James,” he said, and I was aware of the slight blush creeping up his ears.

The more I thought about him and James, the more it fitted that they were dating. The secretive looks, the fact that he was always over in the bar…In fact everything suggested that Jared was not straight, and we had been too dumb to realize. There was only one thing…

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