Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Being woken up in the middle of the night wasn’t something I enjoyed, especially after a long day rehearsing a show and being cautious about whether people recognized me or not. But as soon as I saw the caller ID of Jared, my suspicions grew:  why would he be calling at 2 a.m.?

“What’s up?” I asked him, groggily.

“I’m so sorry for waking you up,” said Jared. “But it’s James,”

“Is he alright?” I asked.

“Oh he is,” aid Jared with bitterness in him tone. “It’s just that I walked in on him,”

“What happened?” I asked.

“He cheated! He was in bed with this other guy, and obviously they were doing stuff and then he came and started saying stuff like sorry and I just left him there,”

“Where are you now?” I asked him.

“I’m in the car by my house,” he said. “What should I do? I can’t take him back - not after this,”

I suddenly had an idea. “Take a break,” I said.

“A break? Like a clean break? Because I don’t know about being single for too long. It’s not me,”

“No, I meant come to London! We can stay here for a week and Rita could go back.”

“I don’t know, Vanessa. I think Rita was enjoying that trip-“

“It’s kinda hard for her here because of Hannah,” I replied, quietly. “But I’ll ask her tomorrow. For now, go to sleep Jared,”

“I guess so,” he said and said his goodbyes before hanging up.

Haze turned in his sleep next to me.

“Who was that?” he asked and I felt slightly guilty for waking him up.

“Jared. He just found out that James cheated on him,” I said.

“Wow,” he muttered. “Never liked James anyway,”

“Me neither,” I replied, shuddering slightly at the memory of him staring at me.

“Don’t you think Finn would like to meet him though?” asked Haze, fully awake.

As soon as he said it, I realized how true it was. Finn was after a manly guy, like Jared, and Jared’s type tended to be the fun, care-free boys. They would make the perfect couple, Jared could help to keep Finn’s feet on the ground and Finn could help Jared loosen up a little.

“They have to meet,” I said.

Haze grinned before wrapping his arms around me. “You’re something special,”

My heart pounded. I had been called special before, but it was always because of my beauty. Haze loved me.

“I love you so much,” I said realizing how much he meant to me. I had always believed in soul mates, and Haze was definitely mine.

“I love you more,” he grinned, before kissing me.

If he loves you, he’ll understand.

I couldn’t tell him. I knew that a relationship was built on trust and if I couldn’t trust him with the truth then maybe…

But as his kisses travelled lower down my neck, sending a flutter down my heart, I realized that he would always be mine.

I would just have to wait for that courage to tell him.


“Good luck!” called Rita. She wasn’t too upset about the plan of swapping her and Jared over. In fact, she seemed a little pleased. It was probably to escape the thoughts of her dead daughter.

Jared laughed besides me but I could see that he was upset. Hopefully, Finn would put him in a good mood.

“So, you told me that you wanted me to meet someone,” said Jared.

Haze and I shared a look and the guided him out of the railway station and into a restaurant outside.

It wasn’t hard to miss the neon pink head sitting on a large table, glancing at the time.

“Is that who you want me to meet?” hissed Jared.

“Trust me, he’s great,” said Haze.

Terve! Istuutua!” said Finn, earning me and Haze an evil graze from Jared. “That mean hello, sit down in Finnish”

We followed his Finnish instructions and sat down.

“So, I am Finn from Finland,” he said. “You are?”

“Uh…Jared,” said Jared.

“Well, hello Uh-Jared,” said Finn.

We all looked at Jared to say the next thing and his face turned red. “Your hair is…nice,”

“If you mean attention attracting and gay, then thank you very much, kultaseni,” he said. “So, Vanessa, are you well and familiar with your script?”

“Yeah, I should be fine,” I replied, and caught a wink from him.

“Well, Vanessa, don’t you think we should be going to that meeting?” asked Haze. I groaned in my mind: could he not come up with a more cheesy escape line?

“What meeting?” asked Jared, shooting us daggers.

“Finn can show you the way back,” I said, grabbing Haze’s hand and dragging him out of the restaurant.


“How was it? How was it?” I asked Jared, whose face turned red.

“At first? Terrible. He kept on chatting sh*t and acting like a lunatic. Then…well, some of the sh*t turned out to be pretty hilarious and I guess he…I guess he took my mind off James,”

“See, I told you to give him a chance!”

“Finn from Finland, though? Isn’t that too far-fetched?”

“It’s his name for the column he writes for OK! It suits him though,”

“It does suit him but before you change the topic, how come I never had an idea of this meeting with Finn?”

“It was meant to be a secret set up,” I grinned.

“And who told you that I can be set up?”

I bit my lip.

He smirked. “You better watch out, Vanessa,”

I had to Google Translate all those Finnish words. Kultaseni means sweetie, by the way!

Book Of The Chapter: The Choice by Susan Lewis – This book is heart-breaking and totally NON CLICHE

Wattpad Book Of The Chapter: Stiff As A Board Light As A Feather – Zarsenist- This book is so good that I had to read the sequel and I HATE *usually* SEQUELS!

Song Of The Chapter: I’m only putting this on because it’s stuck in my head because of a **CRAZY B*TCH!!!! I HATE THIS SONG BUT… URGH! I DON’T EVEN WANT TO WRITE IT! Here it goes: Real Girls Eat Cake – The Janoskians (sorry for offending any Janoskinators but I can’t stand this song, but I’m putting this on because it’s running through my head and it’s been running through my head the ENTIRE week!)

Dedicated to the same **CRAZY BITCH who got that fugly song in my head because of the trainers thing (long story) and because she is a CRAZY BITCH!

SHOUTOUT TO ONE OF MY WATTY BEFFIES:  THEMADDIVERGENTFAN because what she wrote on my profile was AWESOME!, (so check out the alternation to mine please, Hafsa) and her book When Boy Meets Girl! Read it: it’s awesome!

^^Long A/N isn’t it?

One More ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora