Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

“Take my sunglasses off?” I asked her and she nodded.

“Is that a problem?”

“No…I mean yes. I’ve been having allergic reactions and my eyes are sore and red-“

“It’ll only be for two minutes,”


“Do you really want the face of your cookies to be hidden?”


“Just take it off for a bit,” said Haze.

“You’ve never had any allergic reactions before duckie. Why didn’t I know about this? I’ve got this natural solution that might help-“

“We don’t have much time,” snapped Darcy who by the looks of it was having enough of the countryside. Her heels were nearly all the way in and I felt as if I should not point it out.

I took my hat off slowly and then my sun glasses.

“Your eyes aren’t that sore,” said Rita. “Maybe you don’t need my solution,”

I wasn’t listening to Rita. I was watching Darcy’s expression, waiting for it to turn into recognition. But it didn’t.

I felt relieved but slightly miffed. Wasn’t I that famous? Maybe not Katie Price famous but-

I just felt relieved.

“Ok, hush,” she said. “I’m listening in for our cue. It’s Louise Minchin reading the new tonight,”


“So make sure you drive down here and visit these festivals soon, because when they’re over you will miss them for a year. That’s it from me, back to you Louise,”

“CUT,” said the camera-man and it was over.

“That was great, guys!” she said to the camera men. “And you did well, Vanessa. She had not moved and her heels were fully in the ground. I felt as if I should point it out for her and as I opened my mouth, she tried to take a step and was hurled onto the grass. I heard her curse the countryside, before neatly getting up. People like Darcy Smithson always kept a straight face during embarrassing situations. There was not even a hint of red on her face when she saw that her skirt had mud on it, or when she had to bend down to grab her shoes which were still stuck in the mud. She reminded me a lot of Natalie Schweitzer, the woman who had fired me. In fact I used to be like her once and I saw that I had changed for the better.

“Thank you for having me,” she said, getting up. “I hope I see you soon,”

We all knew the chances of that happening.


“Duckie, you were great there!” said Rita, getting out a bottle of champagne from the fridge. “You’re a natural. If it were me, I would have just frozen,”

Jared, haze and Josh were all sitting around the kitchen table for Rita’s little celebration.

I smiled at her. I couldn’t image how things would be if people found out. And that could happen soon.

“You were awesome!” said Jared.

“Yeah, I’m proud of my girl,” said Haze, squeezing my knee from under the table.

“You know, this could attract more people to the café,” said Rita.

“A little television interview isn’t going to make your business double mom,” said Haze.

“Yeah but we can all hope,”

I wasn’t hoping, I could have hoped that they would never find out, but I was imagining what would happen if someone recognized me in London.

They could call the café and tell Rita and minute now…


“Don’t answer the phone,” I said suddenly.

“Why, duckie?”

“Because…I have to tell you something important,” I said and winced at how lame it sounded. “But…it can wait, I guess,”

The boys laughed at something Jared said but I was watching Rita. Her expression changed into something puzzled, the horrified…

Then she looked right at me.

My life was officially over. She knows. Soon, I would lose my new friends, my new family and my boyfriend.

If he loves you, he’ll understand.

I realize that I should have told Haze long ago. I knew that he would not have judged me too hard. Maybe he would have wanted a small break or something but I wouldn’t have been breaking the Code of Honour in All Relationships; Trust.

“Guess what? Guess what?” said Rita, breaking the room into a silence. She was excited. She should be horrified.

“The researcher for Saturday Brunch want you on the show! They loved the cookies that we sent to London and you’re going to be on TV for more than 2 minutes!”

“You as in…me?” I asked her and she nodded happily.

“You’re the creator of those cookies and you’re the pretty one so…”

“When?” I asked her.

“Next Saturday!” she said. “We really need to go shopping. Actually we can do that in London! I’m coming with you, Haze you can look after, actually Haze can come as well, because I’m not good with train routes. Jared you look after the café for a few days. This is going to be so exciting!”

“Wait…what if I don’t want to be on television,” I said.

“What? Of course you do!” said Rita.

“I’m nervous, I’ll probably mess it up,” I said.

“You can’t turn this down, duckie!”

“Mom,” said Haze suddenly. “You can’t force this on her,”

Josh catches my eyes and mouths He knows?

I shake my head and he frowns.

“I’m sorry duckie. If you really feel uncomfortable then-“

I look at her face and I realize I cannot do this to her. After everything that she helped me with, I at least owed her the truth.

I took a deep breath. “Guys, I need to tell you something,”

The all turned to look at me.


Well, this is what you call a writing spree, b*tches!

Book Of The Chapter: Divergent Movie Companion

Wattpad Book Of The Chapter: Sunshine Memories- I had to put it up!!!!

Song Of The Chapter: Sorry – Naya Rivera (I got to put both songs up after allJ)

I was considering going mad with a third update, but I have to eat so TOODLES! AND ENJOY THE CLIFFHANGER *EVIL LAGUH*

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