Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

“Something’s up,” announced Jared.

I just sighed. A lot was on my mind lately. Every time I looked at Stella, I stared intently at her, wondering if her dark-ish hair could be similar to my blonde- brown locks. Or trying to judge whether her light eyes were a shade of grey, or green like mine. I always wanted to serve her, despite her hostile character.

“A penny?” asked Jared.

“Huh?” I replied.

“A penny for your thoughts?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows. “What were you thinking about?”

I smiled. “Nothing,” I couldn’t tell him, or anyone about my thoughts on Stella. They’d think it was just a coincidence.

“Fine,” he said and heaved off the barstool and onto the counter. “How was your date anyway?”

I was surprised at his question. He was supposed to be getting jealous that I was seeing Josh, not excited. Daisy’s plan wasn’t having a good effect.

“The date was alright,” I said. To be honest it was boring, especially since I realized that Josh really wasn’t my type of person. He was too nice, too smiley and too full of himself.

“That sounds terrible,” said Jared looking disappointed. I groaned inwardly. What was wrong with him? Couldn’t he at least show one sign of envy? Maybe he’s good at hiding feelings.

Who am I kidding? He is obviously not into me.

“What sounds terrible?” asked Haze walking into the café.

“Her date,” said Jared, now looking bored. “With Josh,”

“Why, what happened?” asked Haze, with a smirk.

“Oh, he started talking about his job and I kind of zoned off,” I said with a light tone, trying not to show that I was pretty disappointed that Jared showed no effects of me dating Josh. But more surprisingly, Haze did. The problem with Haze was that although he was handsome with lightly tanned skin and gorgeous Hazel eyes which were a few shades lighter than his face, standing out in their glory, he had been cold to me since we met, and he passed down my bad side. I just couldn’t get my head around the fact of liking him.

“Definitely not your type,” said Haze.

“So what is your type?” asked Jared.

I shrugged. I didn’t want to share that my type was standing exactly in front of me and not in the slightest way bothered that I was seeing a different man.

“Ok, so definitely not the blonde model type,” said Jared. “Hmm…what about the muscular mature guy like James?”

I shuddered. “James is not my type,”

Haze grinned. “What about tall dark and mysterious?”

“Like a vampire,” added Jared.

“I wouldn’t date a vampire,” I replied. “Ew, imagine drinking blood on a date,”

“They would probably pretend its red wine though,” said Haze. “Same colour,”

“Urgh, no! Blood is thick and hot. Unlike wine,” I argued back.

“Moving on…” said Jared. “Do you like the vampire sort of guy?”

I felt uncomfortable answering his question because the description totally matched Jared. Six foot tall, dark and mysterious.

“Maybe…” I said unable to hide my smile.

“That would be me,” said Jared with a grin. “You totally like me don’t you?”

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