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I walk home with no Seungmin beside me, not holding my hand and smiling. I try not to cry because i dont want my mom to know, but it wasnt working well. A few tears fell half way down my face before i wiped them away. I wiped it away before they could soak in, so they would stain my cheeks.

One i got home, i walked in and avoided eye contect with my mom. "Hi sweetheart. How was school today?" "It was good mom. I have alot of homework do please dont come in my room tonight." I tried to sound happy. "Oh, ok. Ill leave you alone for tonight. Goodnight then." I fakely laughed. "Goodnight."

I run upstairs and close and lock my bedroom door. As soon as i took my shoes off, i dropped onto my knees. I couldnt bare the pain. What do i do? I was so sad that crying wouldnt be able to explain my pain, not even sobbing would be able to. But i started to sob anyways.

"Seungmin please give me another chance.. ill never hurt you ever again.." I say to myself as my tears fell onto my floor, there was a pool of tears on it.

I stand up and my legs feel like jelly, and i stumble onto my bed. I cry into my pillow and say things to myself. "Im so dumb, i couldve prevented it from happening. Why did i let it happen!" I punch my pillow from being so mad at myself, but then i go back to sobbing into it. About 15 minutes later, i feel asleep while tears came out if my eyes.

The next morning, i turn my alarm off and stare blankly at the ceiling. Wow, i slept for about 17 hours straight.
I get up and weakly walk to the bathroom, where i bend over and cough up clear liquid. Probably from not eating in over 20 hours. I clenched my stomach from how hungry i was, but i couldnt bring myself to eat.

I flush the toilet and walked back to my room, hunched over and holding my stomach as wetness filled my dry and pale face. I fall back into bed and lay there, motionless and emotionless. I cant bring myself to go to school. My mom was already at work because she was filling in for a sick co-worker, so i was alone.

I grabbed my phone and called the school. "Hi, its Hwang Hyunjin. I will not be attending school today because i caught a bad sickness last night. Bye." I drop my phone beside me and let out a shaky breath. 'Is my hope gone? Hell never love me again after seeing that.'

I needa get back into the routine of ot after being away for like 5 days
I hope yall forgive me 😥😥😔😔✊✊
Ily 💖💖💖💖

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