Chapter 18. Call of duty.

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Jesse's POV.

We all were staring in shock and confusion as Daizy somehow managed not to faint under Xara's smirk. Weird, considering this girl was trembling so much I assumed she was scared to death and even farther. Her hands desperately clenched the mirror, as if it was her only defence against the horrid truth.

I couldn't understand much from Radar's squeaking, so this whole Wrongborns thing was a mystery to me, but one thing was as clear as crystal. A Wrongborn, whatever that word meant, was to die. And Xara thought that it was Daizy, for whatever reason.

- Don't-don't look at me like that! - The black-headed girl whispered, taking a small step back. - I-I-I... I don't-I don't understand!
- Hold on. - Petra frowned, and I couldn't help but wonder why only hearing her voice made me feel thousands times better. - She's a Wrongborn?
- Are you sure about that? - Lukas and Jack exchanged glances. - She doesn't look very... Powerful, that is.

- Who's... - Daizy looked me in the eye, looking for some answers. - Who's a Wrongborn?
- I don't understand, too. - I nodded and looked at Xara. She only scoffed.
The black-headed girl now looked like she was facing a hundred of zombies all alone. To be honest, I had literally no idea what kept her from running away as fast as she could.

- Ugh, fine! - The ex-Admin rolled her eyes, actually caring to explain. - People, ordinary people, they all belong to a certain dimention. That's where they feel at home, that's their motherland. But. Every once in a long while something goes wrong. Nobody knows how or why it happens, it just does. So, there comes a person, a special person. For some unknown reason their body belongs to one dimention, while their soul - to another. Such people are called Wrongborns, which basically means "born in a wrong way". And this difference gives them some certain powers, powers that some people can't even imagine. Some Wrongborns are stronger, some are weaker, but all of them might be useful... One way or another.

Lukas, Petra and I cringed at the word "useful". We all had bad memories connected with it, and using this word made Xara's speech sound almost demonic.
Daizy stood there, paralized and in shock. Her light blue eyes were full of sparkly tears, her dark skin became paler.

- That's not about me. - She shook her head, her voice barely a whisper. - I'm not - I - I don't have powers!
- She's right. - Jack nodded. - How do you know that she's a Wrongborn?
Xara sighed and took a small step towards the frightened girl. That only made her shriek loudly and flinch back. Instinctively, Daizy put her right arm in front of her, holding the mirror as a sword.

- You're from this world, right? - The purple-headed woman asked. Silent nod and some weak sobs were her answer. - Are you the only human that was born in here?
- I-I-I think... - The girl stammered, looking at me in desperation. - Yeah, I think so.
- So, you've seen Romeo then, huh? - Xara folded her arms. - What was he like?

Petra and I exchanged confused glances and for a moment I became lost in her eyes.

- Well, um... - Daizy rubbed the back of her head, more calm now. - He seemed nice... Nice and kind. Sometimes. But-but I felt there was something wrong with him. I didn't know what... He just... One moment he was great, and next one became creepy.
- Was it him who gave you this mirror?
The girl hesitated for a few seconds, examining her treasure.

- No. - She finally answered. - I mean... I don't know, I just kinda... Found it, I guess.
- What were you doing when you found it? - Xara's eyes lit up with excitement. - Were you thinking something unusual?
- Um, no, I think. I just... Romeo, who I thought was Jesse, was acting weird, and I wanted to find out why and...

- Aha! - The ex-Admin snapped her fingers, making the scared girl flinch. - So, you wanted to find some answers and the mirror appeared?
Daizy was now too terrified to talk, so she just whimpered and nodded.
- Xara, you're scaring her! - Radar tried to help, but the purple-headed woman simply waved him off.

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