Chapter 10. Outsider.

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Jesse's POV.

Romeo chained me up in his throne room again, but this time didn't make me clean it. In fact, he was in so much hurry, he didn't even put a muzzle around my mouth after I had eaten, so I felt a little bit more comfortable than before.

But his words made me worry. We might have a guest coming over? Who did he mean? Apart from him an me, there was only one person in this world... But he couldn't possibly mean Daizy, could he? It would've been ridiculous, especially if he didn't explain the sudden appearence of his "twin". Besides, Daizy will have questions about my chains and everything, so the Admin will have to explain to her everything. No, he was up to something much more terrifying, and I shuddered at only one thought of what he was capable of.

Daizy... I wasn't sure she was trustworthy. I mean, she seemed to be too naive to be a good helper for me, not to mention her blind trust to Romeo. Heck, she didn't even know me! If she has to choose sides, who will she be with? After all, the imposter's lies had made sure she wasn't abandoning him.

Minutes seemed to last longer than hours, and I was starting to get impatient. No, really, I was literally going out of my head! The longer I had to wait, the more terrible ideas would appear in my brain, making me go anxious nuts. What if it was Romeo's plan all along? To make me fear every his word, every his gesture, to drive me crazy? Welp, his plan sucseeded. Somebody, give him a strong punch as an award, please.

A few billions hours later I could finally hear some sounds, and my heartbeat fastened. Now I wasn't sure wheather his arrival was good or bad news. And this "guest" of his was worrying me too. Who could that possibly be? Okay, I was about to find out, so I took a deep breath and prepared myself for something terrible.

- This place is amazing! - I suddenly heard Daizy's excited voice, making me flinch. What the... She?!
- Did you build all of this yourself? - No doubt, it truly was that girl. But what could Romeo possibly want to do with her?
- It's no biggie. - The Admin replied proudly. - With powers like mine... Wait till you see it from the outside!
I sighed. Modesty and Admins are two opposit things, aren't they?

The doors to the throne room opened, and the tyrant came in, still disguised as me. I stepped back as he smirked at me, still holding the doors so they won't close. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just watched as Daizy slowly walked in, her hands above her mouth to prevent her from shrieking in amazement.

Romeo grinned at me above her head, for I still couldn't figure out what the hell he was going to do. Should I scream to get the girl's attention? Should I kneel down? But, as I didn't recieve any commands, I was simply standing in the middle of the room, staring at the guest.

She seemed to be so happy she was about to start dancing or freaking out. I knew that state - Radar had often been in condition like that. Then Daizy turned around her gaze about to meet mine... She looked right at me.

Or, rather, through me.

- It's so beautiful! - She giggled, running around in the room. Confused, I looked at her. How could she not notice me?
- You're an outsider here, puppy. - Romeo's creepy whisper answered, as if reading my thoughts.
I harsly turned around, meeting his cold gaze and cruel grin. Daizy was so busy looking at the wonders of the room, she didn't notice that.

- What's going on? - I said rather loudly, hoping to get her attention. Nothing happened. The Admin smirked and strongly, without any sounds, punched me in the stomach. I groaned and fell on the ground, hissing in sudden pain. Romeo glanced down at me, obviously enjoying my suffering.
- Tsk, tsk, tsk. - He shook his head, as I struggled to get up. - You're lucky I've enchanted you, pet. Otherways things could've gone pretty ugly for all three of us, don't you think?

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