Chapter 7. A trap.

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Jesse's POV.

It's been more than two hours. I was sitting boringly in the corner, hugging my knees and humming some sort of a song to myself. The whole throne room was clean and spotless, and I felt dead tired. My legs and arms went numb, the collar really hurt my neck. I hadn't seen Romeo ever since he had left, and it was a good thing. But he actually was the only one who could give me anything to eat, so deep inside my soul I hoped he didn't forget about me. My stomach was growling like a wolf and I started to think about ripping my leg and eating it. Disgusting, I know, but I didn't have any food in a couple of days and cannibalism didn't seem so terrible for me. The only problem was the muzzle around my jaw, which prevented me from even biting my cheek.

I groaned in frustration. Did Romeo not know that people have to eat?! Or was it some sort of a ridiculous joke, meant for me to understand his powers over me? I looked at some window and saw that it was almost sunset. I gasped, standing up and watching the magnificent sun slowly disappearing beyond the hill. For a moment I wanted to call Petra to come see it, but then a realisation stroke me. Right. There was no way she could at least see that sunset, not to mention watching it with me. I really, really hoped she was okay. For whatever reason I was thinking more about her than the rest of my friends.

Don't misunderstand me, I really worried about Lukas, Jack, Ivor, Radar and basically every other Beacontowner. But Petra... There was something about her that made my heart hurt whenever I thought about her. I didn't know what it was or why this "something" even was there, but I simply couldn't fight it.

Suddenly Romeo appeared behind me, making me flinch. He kept his gaze on me as I flenched my fists in fury but still got down on my knees. There was no way for me to resist without getting my friends or myself hurt, so for now I had to obey. Even if it was thing I wanted to do the least.
- Well, I see you've worked pretty hard, pet. - The Admin smirked, slowly petting my head. - Maybe keeping you here won't be so useless after all.

Then, all of a sudden, my hands were tugged behind my back and cuffed together again. I growled as Romeo's cold fingers made their way down my cheek. Whenever they were making a contact with my cursed muzzle I could hear something unlock, before the mask finally fell down on the floor. The imposter grinned again and put two of his fingers on my forehead as a sign of my obedience.

- That's a good puppy. - He whispered, his thumb under my chin to prevent me from talking. - Are you hungry?
I hated every moment of this. I hated Romeo, I hated being a slave. But I had nothing I could do to change a thing in it. What were those words in the "Book of Two Brothers"? Give me serenity to accept the things I can't change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference?

I couldn't run away from the humiliation, but at least I could get something to eat. So I nodded silently, looking at the floor. The monster chuckled, patting me and sat down on a throne. Once he was sitting as a king, he snapped his fingers and two bowls appeared on the floor, right in front of me. In one of them there were some water, in the other - what seemed to be a few pieces of stale bread. I looked at Romeo, confused, for I had no idea how to eat without my hands.

He grinned evily at me:
- Eat like a dog, pet.
Of course. He wanted to break me completely, to make me suffer. I sighed and leaned closer to the food, feeling the imposter's hot gaze on my head. The bread was tasteless and the water was too warm to be comfortable to drink, but I had no choice.
When I was over, I sat back on my knees and bowed my head.

Romeo nodded, saticfied with my befavior and came to me. I tensed a little when his hand layed down on my brown hair and the next thing I knew was my freaking mask returned on its proper place.
- It really is good to know that you're obedient, pet. - The Admin smirked. - With a behavior like yours, we won't have any troubles. Now, come on!

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