Chapter 1. Seperated.

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Jesse's POV
- The gauntlet! - I shouted, as it fell off my hand. There was barely enough air in my lungs, so I had to waste precious time, gasping for oxygen.
- No! It's mine! - Romeo's voice echoed through the Terminal Space.

He tried to fly get the golden gauntlet, but Jack caught his leg, struggling to keep our enemy in one spot.
- I've got him, Jesse! - My friend shouted. - Go for it! Quickly!
I started running towards the only thing that could take away Romeo's powers. He managed to push Jack, and instantly flew closer to the gauntlet. I knew - only one of us could get it. And, man, I was really fast!

But not fast enough.

The Admin grabbed the gauntlet the second before me, and flew higher into the air.
- No! - Jack, Petra and I screamed at the same time, as Romeo laughed maniacly.
- You should've just surrendered. - He smirked.
Then he took the gauntlet with both of his hands and ripped it apart. The wave of power hit him, returning to his proper owner. I couldn't believe my eyes. Did we just lose?

The Admin froze in the air, enjoying his power, and I couldn't resist my tears. I collapsed on the ground, crying in defeat. Now... Now it was over. Because of me.
- Jesse! - Petra gasped, kneeling down to me. - Thank goodness you're alright!
- I... I lost. - I couldn't look at my friend. - It's o... It's over.
- There, there.

The redhead tried to comfort me as she hugged me gently, sending warm through my entire body. Before I knew that, I hugged back, digging my face in her soft hair.
- Pathetic.
Suddenly I felt something lifting me up in the air, away from Petra. She tried to catch me, but something invisible pushed her away and then started lifting up.

Romeo made Jack, Petra and I float closer to him. Oh, he was so mad!
- I tried, Jesse! - He grinned evily. - Oh, yeah, I did! I gave you and your friends so many chances! And what did you do?! You tried to take away my powers, tried to destroy me!
- I had to. - Somehow I managed to choke out. - You almost covered the entire world with the bedrock!

- But I let you live. - He flew closer to me and grabbed my hair, sending aching pain through my body. - I even let you be a leader.
I couldn't say a word - he was obviously using some sort of his powers to take away my voice.
- It wouldn't be a life! - Jack struggled against the invisible grip. - It would be suffering!

- Oh, you have no idea how suffering feels! - The Admin responded, tighting his grip on my hair. - But now... I'll show you!
He dragged me away, still holding my hair. I tried to wince, but nothing happend.
- No! - Petra shouted. - Please, no!

Romeo froze, holding me tightly. I couldn't do a thing, couldn't move a limb, only watch, how thoughts are running around in his evil eyes.
- Well, you know what? - He finally chuckled. - You are lucky!
What in a world was he talking about?!

- Yeah, yeah you are! - He continued. - I've got much more important things to do than dealing with you three. Let it be this way - I'm letting you go, and you never ever interrupt my plans. Deal?
I tried to scream my friends to refuse. I tried to shake my head, to make them see a trap. But I couldn't.
- Alright. - Petra sighed, giving up hope to defeat the Admin. - Now let Jesse go!

Romeo grinned evily.
- You see, I can't. - He said, petting me. - I need him to make sure you won't try to do anything dangerous.
- You... - Jack gasped.
- You lied to us! - Petra shouted.
- No, no I didn't. - The Admin scoffed. - I've never said who exactly I was going to let go, so technically I was telling truth. Now, say goodbye to your friend.

I felt I was able to talk again, but now I didn't even try to fight Romeo. There was no point.
- Petra, I... - I started, crying. - I'm sorry I couldn't do that. I'm sorry everything has to happen like this. Please, please tell my friends I love them!
- Jesse, I - She wanted to say something, but her sobs silenced her words.
- I'm sorry, too. - Even Jack couldn't resist crying.

- Well, you better remember them. - The Admin whispered into my ear. - Because it was the last time you saw them.
Then he snapped his fingers, and everything disappeared in the complete and cold darkness.

Petra's POV

The Admin snapped his fingers and Jesse instantly teleported somewhere, leaving a couple of pink sparks behind. Something broke in me, and I started crying and screming at the same time.
- Where is he?! - I shouted. - What have you done to him?!

- Oh, he's somwhere you'll never find him. - Romeo smirked. - And as long as you behave, he'll be alright. Now, I don't have much more time, so...
He snapped his fingers once again, sending Jack and me into some sort of woods. I fell on the cold, wet ground and started crying even harder, not being able to scream.

- Hey, hey, it'll be alright. - Jack tried to cheer me up despite he was almost paniking too. - Jesse's tough. He can handle it.
Deep inside my soul I knew he was right. But then why did I feel so broken?

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