❦ Chapter Five ❦

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*Disclaimer; I do not own Teen Wolf in any way or form.*

I really don't like writing in Stiles' point of view. It's extremely challenging and just doesn't flow right with me, so I decided to skip out on the whole Isaac in jail thing. Sorry. :(

Chapter Five


Mr Stilinski was rushing around the house looking for his police jacket. He had just gotten off the phone and appeared to be in a rush. "What's going on?" I asked folding my arms around my torso. He spotted his jacket slung over the back of a dining chair and picked up up while slipping his arms through it.

"I got a call from the station that there was a disturbance." Mr Stilinski said grabbing his car keys as well. My small frame jerked up in interest.

"Can I come, Mr Stilinski?" I asked sweetly. "Stiles isn't here and I don't want to be left alone." I didn't mention I wanted to see the police force in action. Nothing exciting has happened since I was brought here, except the day when I went to get a snack. But I wouldn't exactly call that exciting, I'd call that terrifying.

The Sheriff hesitated before caving in at the look I was giving him. He sighed before waving his hand towards his cruiser. "Get in," he said. I mentally fist-pumped before jogging to the passenger side and slipping into the car. Mr Stilinski got in the drivers seat and put his keys into the ignition. "By the way you don't have to keep calling me Mr Stilinski. Call me Noah."

I grinned. "Alright, Noah. Let's get going!" Noah shook his head before the car roared to life.

The ride to the police station wasn't a long one. Noah and I swiftly got out of the vehicle and he peered at me over the hood of the cruiser. "Stay behind me at all times, do you understand me?"

I gave him a mock salute, "yes sir."

Ignoring my antics the sheriff walked into the station. It sounded like complete chaos. The fire alarm was ringing and a couple of deputies flanked Noah as he walked down a hall. I stayed behind them just as Mr Stilinski asked.

John turned off the fire alarm just as we turned the corner to what look like the jail cell. To my complete surprise Stiles was standing there in his stupid but cute red plaid shirt staring at what seem to be an unconscious deputy. One jail cell looked like it was busted open. Stiles looked at his father as soon as he entered the room. He looked at the unconscious man on the ground to the empty jail cell back to his dad. Stiles swallowed nervously before pointing at the man on the floor.

"He did it."

I had gym with Stiles and Scott. Today we had to climb a freaking wall that was just massive, something they call rock climbing. Scott also introduced me to his friends Allison and Lydia, who sort of made me feel a tad insecure. I mean, they were freaking gorgeous. I suspected that Lydia was the most popular girl at school with Allison at her side. Allison didn't seem to dig the attention though, I think she just put up with it.

The loud and obnoxious coach from Stiles' Lacrosse practice was our teacher for this lesson, and he annoyed me to a great end. Scott and Allison were currently on the wall, deep in conversation as they went higher and higher. They were so cute together, it got me wondering if they were dating.

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