❦ Chapter Four ❦

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  • Dedicated to Jarra Fraser

*Disclaimer; I do not own Teen Wolf in any way or form. Sadly.*

Chapter Four


It's been a couple of days since my little 'episode' in the kitchen. Stiles hadn't told his dad about what I had seen, which confused me a tad because they seemed to have a really close bond. Why wouldn't he tell him? I mean, maybe Stiles didn't even believe me. I don't know who would. To be completely honest I didn't want to believe what I saw either. It's kind of hard to wrap my head around it. Since I woke up in the woods without my memory I'm afraid I'm going to explode with questions. This just adds to the list.

What had me even more confused was that he told me to go take a shower or 'cool down' while he had to make a phone call. Who would he call? Did he know something I didn't. It's like I said, unanswered questions are just piling up in my brain.

I had gone shopping with Mr Stilinski the day before to get a new set of clothes. I had been wearing Stiles' clothes since I came from the hospital and I think it made him a little bit uncomfortable even if he didn't particularly show it. It had been decided that I was going to start school at Beacon Hills High. It was getting boring just sitting around the Stilinski's house all day and every day. Even if I had lost my memory and my past, I wanted to become social and get to know other people than Mr Stilinski and his son. I still loved the Sheriff, don't get me wrong.

"Have you got all of your things?" Mr Stilinski asked as I put my new school bag on my shoulders. I grinned at his worried face.

"I'm fine. I've got everything I need" I assured him. Stiles was waiting for me patiently at the front door while his father was worrying over me. "We should go," I said to him. Stiles nodded and with one last smile to the Sheriff I followed Stiles into his baby blue Jeep. After buckling myself in I squeezed my hands together in my lap.

"Are we picking your friend up?" I asked Stiles quietly.

"No, I'm meeting him at school," he answered simply before starting the car and driving out of the driveway.

The drive to the school was a short one. Once I had gotten out of the Jeep I stood on the pavement awkwardly. Stiles had already started walking up the front stairs of the school. I didn't know where to go, or even where the front office was. Apparently I needed to go to the front office to pick up my class schedule. Just as Stiles was about to enter the front doors he stopped and spun around.

"Are you coming or not?" He called out to me. My eyes widened and tightened the grip on my backpack before rushing after him.

The school secretary was lovely. Stiles told me she acted like a 'witch bitch' and to watch out, but truth be told she was an extremely kind old woman. She gave me my class time-table and combination to my locker. Right after our visit to the front office, Stiles was already directing me to my locker.

"You got lucky," Stiles grumbled. "She's usually scolding me or telling me off for something I didn't do."

I laughed at him. "So where's this locker of mine?"

"Ironically, it's right next to mine and Scott's," he said with a smile. When we got to my locker, I used to combination to open it and peered inside. It was completely bare with the exception of graffiti on the inside of the door. I pulled out an English Literature book out of my backpack before stuffing my bag in my locker and closing the metal door.

"Ms Pickard is an easy teacher and not that strict, you'll be fine. However, you have Harris with me and Scott and he's a complete dick." Stiles explained as he walked me to my first period.

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