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The winner of the 45K chapter game is @RavenQueen3 for their effort . Congratulations!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the short time you had!

And here you have the solution!!!


The warm spring air blew through the open window of a place called Green Gables, where two people were talking. One was a tall and very thin woman who had long passed the prime of her life. The other was an even thinner girl with red hair as bright as fire and more freckles than there are stars in the sky.

The first was tugging at her skirts worriedly and the latter stood tall with a confident smile.
"Don't forget to add sugar. Enough to give it a bit of taste but not enough to-"

"Make it taste like pudding. I know, Marilla! I have been learning for three weeks already! I am sure I can cook a meal for me and Jerry while you're in town." Anne said confidently.

How hard could it be to cook a three course meal without any adult supervision? How could it go wrong?

"I could tell Rachel Lynde to feed Jerry. There are enough leftovers for you, but I dare say you would end up hungry if you tried to share them with Jerry."

"Everything will be scrumptiously delicious and Jerry is going to be extremely impressed with my incredible cooking, don't worry!"
Marilla shook her head at the girl's choice of words but decided to say no more. She just hoped Anne didn't disappoint herself.

As soon as Marilla and Matthew left, Anne washed her hands and wrapped a cloth around her head to protect her hair. She could imagine how Jerry would brag to Matthew and Marilla about her cooking when they returned. She smiled to herself and got to work.


"Ouch!" Anne exclaims as she accidently cut herself while cutting apples for a apple pie. She cleaned the cut and placed a bandaid on it to heal quickly.

And just then Anne placed the apple pie in the oven, someone knocked on the door. Anne wiped her hands on her apron, hurrying to open the door.

There stood Jerry. Anne was shocked. She didn't know he would be here that fast.


"Jerry! What are you doing here?" asked Anne.

Jerry raised his eyebrows. "You told me to come?"

"But not so soon!" said Anne.

"I'm hungry!" said Jerry defensively.

"Well, come in," said Anne. "If your here, you might as well make yourself useful."

Anne stepped aside to allow Jerry into Green Gables.

"Come along into the kitchen," said Anne.

The hired boy followed her in and Anne set him a task. She instructed him to gather the plates and utensils and ready the table while she cooked.

Anne could not stop thinking of what a splendid dinner this would be, the success of which would be known throughout Avonlea.

Though Jerry did nothing wrong, it might have been better if he hadn't stepped inside that kitchen until the dinner was already done for he became a large distraction to Anne. She was so busy chattering away to him that any mistakes she made went completely unnoticed.

Anne was needing a ball of dough into what would, hopefully, be a rough, well-risen loaf of bread once she'd finished, when there was another knock on the door.

Anne looked over her shoulder with a frown. "It must be Diana. Jerry, go get the door."

Jerry did as he was told and a moment later came back just as Anne, wild haired and rather breathless from the energy of needing bread, was wiping flour on her apron.

Anne turned around to greet her, but it wasn't Diana after all. Anne froze in place, her blue eyes wide.

"It's Gilbert," said Jerry. "I told him he could stay for dinner."


Anne stood there is slight shock, not knowing what to do.

"Gilbert? is that you?" she asked, even though she knew it was him. Anne couldn't believe her eyes, he's been away for so long.

"Hey, Anne." he said and smiled at her. Gilbert looked slightly different. His hair was messier and slightly longer, but trimmed. He definitely grew much taller, and he looked more tanned. "so, are you making dinner?" Gilbert asked, looking at Anne and gazing around the kitchen.

"I- uh yes, i am." Anne replied, stuttering, unable to process that he really is back home.

"Well then, i'm very hungry, and i bet that your cooking is spectacular." said Gilbert, smiling at the girl.

Anne went slightly red, and smiled back at the boy. "Yes of course! I'll finish cooking now. Take a seat at the table." she replied, pointing at the table. she turned back around and finished kneading the dough.

Jerry, standing and watching the interaction happen between the two, sighed in exasperation. "Finally, you're going to finish the cooking. I'm starving." he said, and took a seat next to Gilbert on the table.

Anne rolled her eyes and chuckled, continuing to finish making the dinner.

After a short while, dinner was finally ready. Taking a deep breath, Anne took it to the dinner table where Gilbert and Jerry we're chatting away.


"It smells delightful!" Anne exclaims smiling, "don't you think?"

"of course, Anne, " Gilbert smiles while taking a bite of the scrumptious food.

Jerry was already finished his plate and was asking for more.

"Anne? Would you like to come on a walk with me?" Gilbert enquired hopefully.

Anne nodded her head and they walked out the door, leaving Jerry alone with his beloved food.

"Did you have fun? wherever you were," anne asked turning to face towards the brown-eyed boy.

"i did Anne," he smirked, "how was school?" Anne rolled her eyes, thinking about Mr Phillips and his horrible teaching methods.

"Anyways..."Gilbert smiles

"Anyways," Anne laughed, "I'm happy."

"Why?" Gilbert tilted his head towards the freckled girl, who was slightly blushing.

"You came home."

Thank you for reading!

I hope you enjoy season 2 while we come up with a book to replace this one.

Until next time kindred spirits!


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