love tricks

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"Oh Anne, at least humour me." Laughed Diana as she tied the four-leaf-clover to Anne's shoe. "It is near Saint Valentine's Day and we shall find ourselves our Prince Charmings." Diana had recently surrendered to the fashionable trend of love spells and tricks.

"Diana, I don't see how putting chicken bones by the door will attract a Prince Charming. If anything, it will deter him."

"The book said you could also use a corn cob all but twenty kernels removed, but mummy caught me before I could get it. Wishbones on the other hand, were far easier to acquire." Diana tied the bone to the top of the door with a plain beige string. "And I've never known you to be unimaginative when it came to anything, especially love."

"Well, people change." She answered, uncomfortable though unsure why.

"It says the first boy to walk though is your beloved. While we wait we shall try the next one." Diana hopped off the stool and pulled two apples from her basket. She held the little pocketbook close to her face, her eyes scanning the pages as if it were gospel.

"We must cut the skin off and we throw it over our left shoulder. The letter it forms is the first letter of our future husband's name." Diana threw her friend one of the apples which Anne caught deftly. Anne pulled a penny knife from her pocket, causing Diana to gasp. "Anne! Why on earth would you have that in your pocket?"

Anne shrugged. "One can never be sure when one may need a penny knife." She began slicing the peel from the apple, turning it over as she did so. When she had removed it, she held it up to Diana. Diana clapped before holding up her own.

"Now we shall turn our backs and throw the peels over our shoulders." Anne did so, and when they turned to look Diana frowned.

"Oh no. I cut to close to the skin and now it is near snapped."

Anne didn't like seeing her friend sad. "I think it looks like an E. The broken section just out like the little line. Or maybe an F. Yes, an F." The smile returned to Diana's face.

"Oh Anne, you are ever so clever. It does look like an F. Although I know no one with a name beginning with F, it brings me great hope. A Francis perhaps. Or a Fredrick. Or maybe a Fletcher." She turned to Anne's. "Yours looks like a C. Charlie Sloane!"

Anne wrinkled her nose. "Charlie is a nice boy, but I'd sooner marry Josie Pye." Diana cocked her head.

"No, not a C. It is a G. You see it is curved into the middle. Gilbert!"

Anne did not wrinkle her nose, rather looked down at her shoes. "I don't think I'd marry Gilbert."

Diana turned to the clock. "Oh! It has been ten minutes. Anne, pass me the kerchief." Anne did so, shrieking as Diana tied it over her eyes.

"Diana! Do warn me next time."

"Now I must spin you around. The book says the direction you point is where he is right now." Diana began spinning Anne around as the redhead tried not to throw up.

"Diana, I am perfectly unsure of my surroundings!" She shrieked. "You can stop spinning me now!"

"It says how you must point in a direction...." she trailed off. She began groping at Anne's arm while making an inhuman series of squeals.

"What is it Diana? Is it an intruder?" As she said this, her hand found a face. "Is that you Diana? No, this person is too tall. Pass me my penny knife so I may stab them."

"Anne! I am offended. I thought you held no ill-will towards me." Anne recognised that voice. It mad she'd heft flutter, and when she pulled the kerchief off and their eyes met, she felt only happiness.

not great, but I haven't updated on this account in a while so i thought i might write a lil chap.
hope y'all had a fun valentine's day!

q of the day:
favourite shows besides AnnE?


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