There really are dragons in Avonlea

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I just realised that I am the author of this one-shot and therefore I can do whatever I feel like at any given time in the story... How had I not realised this before? 😂
Get ready to submerge yourself in my strange mind... It's going to make NO sense.

"It's such a beautiful day, Diana!" I say breathing in the scent of the flowers and revelling in the feeling of the damp grass under my feet.
"Yeah." Diana answers. "Could you please put your shoes back on or else you'll catch a cold!"
I glance her direction and pull a face at her before I continue walking without my shoes on.
I continue a few steps before lying down right in the middle of an empty field.
"Oh Anne! Your dress will get all crumpled and dirty!" Diana protests looking like she wants to join me but can't bring herself to. After a while she walks away without another word.
I close my eyes but open them immediately when I smell smoke. Right in front of me are Diana and Josie who are holding a flaming torch.
I stand up in a panic and scream for them not to drop the torch but they just laugh and set the field on fire.
Soon I am surrounded by fire and it's closing in on me.
I search frantically for a way to get out and I try to stifle the panic and betrayal building in my body. Now ia not the time to let my emotions get the best of me.
"Anne?!" Calls a voice from the other side of the fire. I can't quite make out who it is but I don't waste time screaming for help.
And just like that Gilbert Blythe walks through the fire and pulls me back through with him, making me scream in anticipation of the agony that never comes.
"Huh?" I say in confusion which makes Gilbert laugh and hug me close.
"Anne, are you okay?" He asks after he pulls away.
"I think so." I answer earning one of the half smiles I'd missed so much.
"That's good. Anything else I can do, any dragons need slaying?" He says lifting up a sword I hadn't noticed before.
"I don't think so." But as I say it something sweeps me off the floor and starts pulling me up towards the sky. I shout Gilbert's name and he tries to grab my stretched arm but it's too late.
"I'll find you Anne!" He cries desperately. "I won't let anyone hurt you!"
I feel dizzy as the dragon holding me flies higher and higher but eventually it lands on a tall tower where it lets me go before flying away. Well this is weird.
I look around until I spot a small whole in the floor that gives way to a staircase. I walk towards it and glance down into the dark room. It seems empty from what I can make out so I walk in. To my delight and wonderment a light turns on and reveals a room full of flowers and trees. I the middle of the room stands Billy with an unusually bright smile and a gift box in hand. I'm relieved to see a familiar face even if it is his.
"Billy! Whats going on? Is the world ending or something? Why are there dragons?!"
"Woah! Anne! Stop with the questions and let me say something for a minute!" I nod. "I wanted to ask for your forgiveness! Please accept this gift!"
He hands me the box in his hand which I open carefully. I'm not sure what to expect...
Out leaps a small dog that runs off through a door nearby. But that's not the only thing that's in the box. Before my eyes is a dress with puffed sleeves, ruffles and everything else I could wish for. A pink dress.
Suddenly the dress rises as if it was alive and reaches its sleeves towards me. Billy is screaming for me to run but the dress has my arm.
"Aaaargh!" Shouts Gilbert Blythe runing through the door and stabbing the dress. He's saved me!
"Anne, are you okay?" He asks taking me into his arms. I can see Billy watching us while making a daisy chain for.
"I'm fine." I answer reluctantly moving out of his embrace. He doesn't let me leave though as he pulls me towards him and kisses me.
The feeling of his lips against mine feel so right, like this is what I'm supposed to be doing. Until he starts vanishing before my eyes along with Billy and the room.
I open my eyes and find myself right where Diana had left me, lying on the damp grass. I realise everything was a dream... Gilbert was a dream.
"Ehem..." I hear from beside me.
"GILBERT?!" I say shocked and embarrassed. The real Gilbert Blythe is kneeling down right next to me with an amused grin on his face.
"Where you having sweet dreams?" He asks. "I heard you whispering my name."
Well that's embarrassing...

Random, awkward and boring... like me!!

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