The story ends

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They load the new boat with fruits as they get ready to take sail. Heihei accidentally falls into the storage compartment.

"Gonna miss you drumstick." Maui says to Heihei

"You can come with us, you know. My people are going to need a master way finder." Moana reasons

"They already have one." Maui tells her

A new tattoo forms on Maui's chest of Moana and the same tattoo forms on Kaimana's thigh. Moana pulls both Kaimana and Maui in for a hug.

"See you out there, Maui." Kaimana says

"See you out there, Kaimana." He smirks as he shifts into a hawk and takes off and flies away


Kaimana and Moana both sail back to her island and soon see her island. Moana's parents run to the beach to greet her and Kaimana stands back with a smile.

"Mom! Dad!" Moana cries happily

They all rejoice with a hug.

"I may have gone a little ways past the reef." Moana day sheepishly

"It suits you." Her dad smiles

Kaimana can't help but smile. As everyone in the village run to the shore to celebrate her return. Kaimana stands in the water, ankle deep when she feels a slimy thing rub against her leg. Tala's manta ray but in a smaller form rubs against her ankle and Kaimana reaches down to pet it with a smile. There's another thing that rubs against her. It's Maui in the form of a small fish. Kaimana giggles as she pets him too.

Kaimana turns away from the island and joins her friends in the water. She watches from a far as all of Moana's people celebrate her arrival.

Moana walks past the water and Kaimana makes it brush against her leg. She looks down and Kaimana makes the sea part to reveal a shell, similar to the one that she gave her as a baby.

Moana looks to the water but doesn't see Kaimana but smiles anyways, knowing her friend is still here.


The villagers of Motunui set sail and leave their island to search the endless seas. Moana stands at the front of the head ship, leading her tribe to new discoveries.

Kaimana swims with the boats underwater. Next to her is Maui as a shark and Tala's manta ray. They glide with the ships and skim across the surface.

Kaimana swims towards Moana's boat and brings herself aboard to give Moana a big hug. She introduces her to some of the crew before she dives back into the water to stay with Maui.

Kaimana then dives to the bottom of the sea and lights up her tattoos and drags her hand along the sand happily.

She is happy Moana is safe and is now striving and she knows she has a place to belong once again.

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