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an arrow flies by and soars right past Kaimana's head. She pulls the arrow out of the boat and Maui takes it from her.

"Kakamora." Maui growls

"Kaka-what?" Moana questions

"Murdering little pirates." Kaimana says as she stands up herself.


"Ocean! Do something! Help us!" Moana cries

"The ocean doesn't help you, you help yourself!" Maui says

"I'm working on it!" Kaimana tells Maui and Moana.

"Tighten the halyard. Bind the stays!" Maui orders Moana. She stands here dumbfounded. "You can't sail?!"

"I, Uh...I am slef-taught?" Moana defends

Maui pulls the rope and they begin to sail away. Kaimana throws her spear at the ship, hoping to at least slow them down.

Kaimana ignores Moana and Maui yelling at each other as she tries to get them away. The Kakamora being to copy Kaimana's actions and throw arrows at them but with string attached.

Their ship begins to get closer as they drag the canoe back.

"Get the arrows!" Kaimana yells

They tug at the arrows that are deeply planted into the wood of the ship. There's a deep creaking sound from the ship and all attention is on it. The one giant boat now splits into three decent sized ones.

"Their boat is turning into more boats!" Moana shouts

Then a conch shell horn is sounded and the Kakamora begins sliding down the ropes attached to the arrows stuck in their canoe. The two smaller ships begin to speed up and surround their little boat.

Kaimana forms a spear and begins cutting the rope with the point of it. The coconuts fall into the water and she pushes them away with a small wave. Maui and Moana pull the arrows out of the wood and toss them into the water so Kaimana can push them away.

Just when they think they got all of the arrows out, a coconut falls on Kaimana's head. She drops her spear and falls on her back. There's one last arrow logged in the top of the ship. More and more start falling on them and begin to attack them. Kaimana clutches her head and tries to grab her spear but it's out of her reach. Maui tries to help her get the coconuts off of her but they start attacking him too. Kaimana gets and idea.

As the Kakamora cling to her body and try to pull her into the water, she takes one by one and throws them back at the ship as if it's a ball. Just like bowling pins, when the coconut hits one, more fall with it and fly off the ship.

Then, one yanks at her hair and she falls back again.

"Hey! Ow!" She shouts as they yank

"No!" Moana shouts, turning Maui and Kaimana's head

The heart had dropped out of the necklace and it fell in front of Heihei. Being the dumb chicken he is, he eats the stone.

The Kakamora lets go of Kaimana's hair and tackles Heihei. It climbs the sail with Heihei in its arms and grabs the arrow, pulls it out and gets reeled back into their boat.

"Kaimana, Maui!" Moana shouts. "They took the heart!" She cries

Maui looks over to see a Kakamora with a chicken.

"That's a chicken." He says

"The heart is in the chicken!" Kaimana shouts

"We have to get him back." Moana says, more calm

Maui looks around to see the boats surrounding them.

"Maui!" Moana shouts again

"Cheeeehoooo!" Maui shouts as he jumps on the end of the boat.

The boat begins to spin as he grabs the ropes and sails them away. The boat leans to the side and Kaimana grabs a rope, she stands on the side and pulls so they don't tip over.

"Maui! What are you doing?!" Kaimana shouts

He ignores her and they begin to head for the main boat with the chicken but Maui turns the ship.

"You're turning?!" Moana asks

"What are you doing?" Kaimana asks

"Uh, escaping." Maui says as if it's obvious

"They heart!" Moana says as she points to the ship

"Forget it! You'll never get it back!" Maui says as he continues to steer the ship away. "Besides. You've got a better one." Maui says as he points to her heart

Moana grabs the oar from his hands.

"Hey! What am I gonna steer with?!" Maui shouts

Kaimana gets an idea.

"Moana!" Kaimana shouts as she forms steps from water.

Moana uses them to climb onto the ship. Kaimana follows her with her spear in her hand.

"They're just gonna kill ya!" He shouts after them

As soon as they reach the main deck of their ship, all the Kakamora turn to face them. There were possibly thousands of them standing before them, waiting to attack.

"Coconuts." Moana smirks as she gets ready to attack.

She whacks at the coconuts as if she is swinging a bat they go flying away from them. Moana keeps them back as Kaimana turns into her water form and fazes through them without trouble.

They begin to fire blow darts at her but they go right through her waterbody. Kaimana spots the chicken and speeds up. The coconut takes the chicken to the top of the ship, where the leader is. She launches herself up with a wave and grabs it.

"Moana! I got him!" She shouts

She watches as Moana lands on a deck but as no way of getting to their canoe. Kaimana meets her on the same deck. She forms a spear and ties some rope to it. She throws the spear and it lands on the canoe.

"Yes!" She cheers.

Moana uses her oar to slide down the rope. Moana collides with Maui as she reaches the boat and they both fall. Kaimana forms another spear and slides down the rope as fast as she can with Heihei in her mouth.

She lands on the canoe and Heihei coughs up the stone. Moana grabs it as fast as she can.

"Got it!" She cheers

Both of Kaimana's Spears turn to water as they rope falls from their ship but the three boats still surround them. With each second, they grow closer.

Maui wastes no time to grab the oar and steer the ship. The coconuts begin to fire blow darts at them. The two ships begin to block their path as they grow closer.

"Kaimana, help me out." Maui says

Kaimana forms a powerful wave behind them and as it collapses they are pushed to safety when the three boats collide and the canoe floats to safety.


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