Set Sail

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The boat glides away from the disaster and back on to safe seas.

"Yay! We did it!" Moana cheers happily

"Congratulations on not being dead, girlie." Maui says as he picks the blow darts from the boat's wood. "You surprised me. But I'm still not taking that thing back."

Kaimana crosses her arms and taps her foot annoyed. Maui rolls his eyes at her and continues to explain.

"You wanna get to Te Fiti you gotta go through a whole ocean of bad." Maui says. "Not to mention Te Kâ." He says as he points to a tattoo on his shoulder blade. "Lava monster? Ever defeat a lava monster?" Maui asks Moana

"No." She says sheepishly

"Have you?" Kaimana asks smugly

Maui sinks his head to his shoulders with a pout on his face. Mini Maui laughs at Kaimana's remark. Mini pulls down a scoreboard. On one side, it's Maui and on the other is Kaimana and Moana. He gives the girls the point.

Maui defends himself, "I am not going on a suicide mission with some mortals." Kaimana rolls her eyes at his remark. "You can't restore the heart without me...and me says no." Maui says

Kaimana rolls her eyes and ignores him. She plays with the water by forming small ripples. Moana reasons with Maui and tells him how much of a hero he would be if he helped restore the heart.

"Little girl, I am I hero." Maui says

"You're no ones hero." Moana says

"Psh. No one?" Maui says disbelieving

Kaimana turns around and shakes her head no with a small smirk.

"But, put this back, save the world, you'd be everyone's hero." Moana reasons

She continues to try and convince him.

"We'd never make it without my hook. Not past Te Kâ."

"Then we get your hook." Kaimana says

"We get your hook, take out Te Kâ, restore the heart." Moana says

"Unless you don't wanna be...Maui, demigod of the wind and sea. Hero to...all." Kaimana teases as Moana holds out her hand for him to shake

Maui rolls his eyes and smirks at her. "First, we get my hook."

"Then save the world. Deal?" Moana asks

"Deal." Maui says as he shakes her hand and then throws her in the water again

Kaimana furrows her eyebrows and washes Moana back onto the boat with a wave.

"Worth a shot." Maui says to Kaimana as he shrugs his shoulders

"Okay, we go east. To the lair of Tamatoa." Maui tells them as he measures the stars with his hand he then sticks his hand in the water and feels the current. "If anyone has my hook, it's that beady-eyed bottom-feeder."

He sticks the oar in the water and turns the ship. The sail swings to the other side and Moana has to duck so she doesn't get hit. The boat climbs a wave and they collapse into the water behind it, unharmed. Maui pulls the road and the sail moves again. He ties to road and wraps it around a pole to keep the sail steady.

"Teach me to sail." Moana begs

Maui scoffs at her.

"My job is to deliver Maui across the great ocean. I should..." she tries leaning on the sail's pole but leans against a rope and slips. "I should be sailing."

"It's called way finding, princess." Maui climbs the sail to get a better view of what's ahead. "It's not just sails and knots, it's seeing where you're going in your mind. Knowing where you are by knowing where you've been." Maui says

Kaimana sits back and watches the two bicker back and forth while Heihei sits in her lap.

"Okay, first, I'm not a princess. I'm the daughter of the chief." Moana explains

"Same difference." Maui says as he jumps from the sail and onto the deck.

"No," she argues

"If you wear a dress, and you have an animal're a princess. You are not a wayfinder. You will never be a wayfinder..."

Kaimana doesn't let him finish. She uses a wave to take a blow dart that was still stick in the boat and pricks Maui in the butt.

He stops talking and drops his arms to his sides. He then falls to the deck.

"Really?" He asks, looking to Kaimana. "Blow dart in my butt cheek?"

Kaimana sticks her hands behind her back and smiles sweetly as she shrugs her shoulders. She notices a small blush dusting Maui's cheeks when she does that.

Moana and Kaimana high five and she gives Moana the oar.

Kaimana then uses a wave to push Maui out of Moana's way.

"You are a bad person." Maui tells her

"If you can talk, you can teach." Kaimana says as she points to Moana. "Way finding. Lesson one. Hit it."

Maui groans in frustration and rolls his eyes.

"Pulls the sheet."

Moana reaches for a rope. "Not the sheet." Maui tells her. She keeps looking around but can't find it. Kaimana sits back and watches and laughs.

The sun had finally set and it it now nighttime. The stars glisten in the dark sky. Moana puts her hand to the sky and keeps pulling her hand back and placing it somewhere else.

"You're measuring the stars, not giving the sky a high-five."

Kaimana laughs at his remark.

"If the currents warm you know you're going the right way." Maui says

Moana sticks her hand in the water.

"It's cold. Wait, it's getting warmer." Then realization strikes her. "Aah! That is disgusting! That is wrong with you?" Moana shrieks

Kaimana hits him on the back and he laughs at her.


Time goes by and Moana fell asleep. The boat gently drifts in the still waters. The boat gently rocks back and forth as Kaimana sits quietly, staring into the still seas.

She leans in closer and taps the water. Small ripples flow out and eventually flow out of sight.

She runs her fingers through the water and it begins to glow from her touch. Kaimana can't help but smile at the beautiful sight. Jellyfish begin to surface and glow, lighting up the dark sea with a florescent green glow. Her face lights up from the glow and she giggles softly as a jellyfish skims past her hand.

The water only glows brighter as a whale surfaces too, making the water behind it glow green like the jellyfish. The whale skims beneath her hand so its back touches her.

She giggles lightly as the whale flicks its tail and makes a decent sized wave to splash Kaimana.

The boat rocks, showing someone else is awake.

Soon, sleep gets the better of her and she falls asleep.


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