The story begins...

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In the beginning, there was only ocean until the mother island emerged: Te Fiti. Her heart held the greatest power ever known. It could create life itself. And Te Fiti shared it with the world. But in time, some begin to seek Te Fiti's heart. They believed that they could possess it, the great power of creation would be theirs. And one day, the most daring of them all voyaged across the vast ocean to take it. He was a Demigod of the wind and sea. He was a warrior. A trickster. A shapeshifter who could change form with the power of his magical fish hook. And his name was Maui. But without her heart, Te Fiti began to crumble, giving birth to a terrible darkness. Maui tried to escape, but was confronted by another who sought the heart: Te Kā, a demon of earth and fire. Maui was struck from the sky, never to be seen again. And his magical fish hook and the heart of Te Fiti, were lost to the sea. Where even now, 1000 years later, Te Kā and the demons of the deep still hunt for the heart, hiding in the darkness that will continue to spread, chasing away our fish, draining the life from island after island until every one of us is devoured by the bloodthirsty jaws of inescapable death! But one day, the heart will be found by someone who would journey beyond the reef, find Maui, deliver him across the great ocean to restore Te Fiti's heart and save us all.


Moana sits and listens intently to the story being told by her grandmother. The boys around her listen as well but cower back in fear. From that point forward, Moana wanted to find Maui herself and restore the heart.

Moana's father walks into the hut and dismisses the story as soon as all the boys begins screaming in fear.

"Thank you, Mother, that's enough." Chief Tui dismisses as he scoops Moana off the ground. "No one goes outside the reef. We're safe here. There is no darkness. There are no monsters." He reassures

He accidentally hits the tapestry that was rolled up and it unrolls to be of many monsters. One by one, the others fall and show more of the terrible creatures, causing the children to cry.

Children begin to climb all over Tui for protection and tackle him to the ground. He tries to calm the children but they overwhelm him.

Curiosity takes over baby Moana. She waddles her way past the tapestry and into the open. She makes her way past some largely leaved bushes. She manages to find her way to the ocean.

Kaimana calmly floats under the water, playing with fish and the shells. She hears the baby's garbling and makes her way to the surface to see Moana. She wants to grab the child's attention so she pushes a beautiful conch shell to the shore with the current. The baby spots the shell and crouches down to touch it's slimy and wet figure.

She is soon distracted by the squawking of birds as they surround a baby sea turtle. It cowers under a tree root. It tries to make it to shore but the birds wait for it to leave so they can snatch it up and eat it.

Moana leaves the shell and goes to help the poor creature. She takes a large leaf and holds it over the small turtle and keeps the hungry birds back. A bird nips at the back of the turtle's shell and flips it over if accident while Moana scared it off. She gently helps the turtle back on its fins and guides it into the water.

Kaimana watches as the turtle swings past her and joins its mother.

Kaimana gets the chills because she is so filled with joy.

"She really is the one!" She cheers to herself

She blends herself with the water and swims closer to Moana. She makes a path around the shell so Moana can walk to it and not get wet. The child giggles and makes her way over. She grasps the slippery shell but soon spots another that Kaimana places farther out into the water. Moana picks up the first shell and reaches out for the second one. Kaimana moves the water around the other shell and a fish manages to fall out of the water and into the sand. The fish spots Moana and flops back into the water and swims away. She picks up the shell and when she does Kaimana moves the water so she can reach yet another.

Soon there is a large wall of water surrounding the young child. She watches as the mother sea turtle swims past her with the baby following. Moana giggles a little.

Kaimana decided to make a wave. It forms over her but stays still just above Moana's head. She looks up at the wave as if it is a face. Moana tilts her head to the side, showing she is confused. Kaimana copies her and the wave tilts to the side. Moana smiles and tries to touch the wave. Kaimana bends the wave over so she can reach it. As soon as she touches the salty water, some rains down on her face and she giggles as the water tickles her face.

Kaimana makes the wave rustle her hair and she forms it into a stem and places the flower in her hair at the end. Once Kaimana knows she really is the one, she pushes the sacred heart of Te Fiti towards her using a current. The rock shines and glows to the beat of her heart, showing she really is destined to return it. Moana reaches into the water and takes the rock into her own hands.

"Moana!" Tui calms from somewhere in the bushes.

Kaimana uses the wave to fix her hair and put it back to the way it was. She gathers a piece of draft wood and pushes her back to the shore, careful not to hurt the fragile child.

Just as she is back on the shore, she drops the stone. Tui finds her and takes her away from the water.

"There you are Moana. What are you doing? You scared me." Tui says as he puts the baby on his shoulder

"What? I wanna go back." The girl says

"I know, I know. But you don't go out there. It's dangerous." He says as he puts the girl back down

Moana tries to make her way back to the water but Tui takes her small hand and leads her away.

Kaimana sighs as she becomes visible again and walks out of the water once she is out of sight. Tala laughs lightly.

"Don't worry Kaimana, she is only two. The time will come and you can try again." Tala says to her as she puts a hand on the demigoddess' shoulder.

"Tala," Kaimana says as she turns to the woman and takes her hands. "I need you to do me a favor. I need you to give it to her. You know her best. Please give the heart to her when you know she is ready." Kaimana says as she hands the heart to Tala

"I would be honored, my friend." Tala says

Tala smiles and so does Kaimana.

"I will be gone for a while. Please make sure she stay safe."

"You can count on me." Tala smiles

Kaimana's eyes fill with water as she pulls Tala in for a hug. Once they finally part ways, Kaimana walks into the water and dissolves with the rest of it.

Tala opens the rock around her necklace and puts the heart in it to keep it safe until the time comes. She smiles at the ocean and makes her way back to her tribe.


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