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Kaimana wakes up on the side of the boat. She smiles and stretches.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Maui jokes

Kaimana rolls her eyes and sits up.

"Morning to you too." She says as she rubs the sleep from her eyes.

Then there's a gasp that scares Kaimana and she falls off of the boat. She immediately makes a wave and pushes herself back on the boat.

"You know a real way finder never sleeps so they actually get where they need to go." Maui tells Moana

They all looks to the mountain in front of them.

"Muscle up buttercup." Maui says. "We're here."

"You're sure this guy's gonna have your hook?" Moana asks

"Tamatoa? Oh, he'll have it." Maui tells her. "He's a scavenger. He collects stuff. Thinks it makes him look cool. And for Tamatoa, trust me-my hook is the coolest collectible."

"And he lives up there?" Moana asks

"That's just the entrance." Kaimana explains as she ties her hair into a bun. "To Lakotai."

"Lalotai?" Moana gasps. "Realm of monsters? We're going to the realm of monsters?" She asks

"We? No. Me." Maui says

"You are gonna stay here with the other chicken. Blondies coming with me." Maui tells her

Kaimana rolls her eyes. Moana looks to her confused and Kaimana holds out her hand for her to grab as Maui already starts climbing.

"Let's show him." Kaimana tells her

Maui stops after a few meters up the mountain to look back at her but Moana isn't there.

The two girls help each other up the side of the mountain.

"Muscle up buttercup." Kaimana mocks as they pass him on the mountain

He groans and rolls his eyes as he keeps climbing.

"So, daughter of the chief. I thought you stayed in the village. You know, kissing babies and things." Maui says to Moana

Kaimana looks back at him and glares.

"Hey, I'm just trying to understand why your people decided to do I phrase this? Her."

Kaimana gets mad at him now.

"Her people didn't send her. I did." Kaimana tells him

"You? Makes sense. She's what, right? Can't sail. Obvious choice." Maui mocks

"She chose me for a reason." Moana defends

"If Kaimana's so smart, why didn't she just take the heart back to Te Fiti herself? Or bring me my hook? Kaimana's straight up kooky-dooks." Maui says

Kaimana was just about to throw him off of the mountain before Moana calmed her down.

"But I'm sure she's not wrong about you." He says to Moana. "You're the Chosen One!" He says sarcastically

Kaimana and Moana reach the top of the mountain. Moana walks to the edge and looks out at the ocean. Kaimana stands in the center.

"If you start singing, I'm gonna throw up." Maui says

"So, not seeing an entrance." Moana tells him

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