Get Jazzy With It

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Ratchet was at the end of his rope. All week he had been trying to juggle his duties a chief medical officer and a sparkling sitter. Every time he would get something accomplished, the baby would start crying. He would have to drop tasks halfway through because Bumblebee needed feeding, or his filters needed changing, or he needed attention. Ratchet couldn't even get a solid nights recharge because it seemed that little Bumblebee couldn't go more than two clicks without attention. Ratchet practically lived with the bitlit magnetized to his hip. And it was starting to take its toll.

"Optimus, I can't keep going like this." Ratchet sighed. "I can't get my duties accomplished while I have to care for a sparkling." He explained. This was one of the few moments of quiet he had had all day.

"He's not like the twins, we can't just leave him to his own devices half the day, he needs constant attention and care." Ratchet referenced the two foundlings, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, who had found themselves in a similar situation as Bumblebee. "It's not that I don't care for him, or want him around, he's just so...." Ratchet trailed off.

"High maintenance?" Optimus supplied. He had been studying Ratchet. His chief medical officer did indeed look worn down. His optics were half lidded, his biolights were dim, indicating poor refuel and charging habits, and his finish was looking particularly dull. Just then a bitlit's wails could be heard from the back. Optimus put a reassuring hand on his friends shoulder, " It's alright Ratchet. I'll find someone to watch him for a few cycles while you get some fuel and recharge. I want all of my troops in good condition, Prowl has advised we pull out and return to the Ark, and he has been of sound judgment so far." Ratchet looked at his leader with grateful optics as he packed a bag with supplies. Bumblebee stopped whining when Optimus picked him up. He didn't really need anything, he was just crying cause he had woken up alone. The large Prime regarded the small bot in his arms. He was fairly easy going, as long as someone was with him, so it shouldn't be too hard to find someone to watch him for a day.

Optimus sat on a crate in defeat, baby on his lap. Hound was on patrol, Prowl was busy, Fortmax had Mirage in the brig, Blur was on lookout, Wheeljack was packing up his lab, and Arcee was on a scouting mission. It seemed as if everyone was busy. Bumblebee looked around while his chair pondered. This was the first time he had been outside in over four days. The Autobot's camp was a buzz with more activity than the little bot had ever seen. Mechs and femmes, civilian and Autobots, milled through the makeshift city of tents, hastily constructed buildings, and temporary roads marked by solar charged ground lights. All the new sounds and sights and smells made the bitlits processors whirl.

"Ay OP, what you up to man?" Optimus was roused from his musings by the arrival of his head of intelligence, Jazz.

"Greetings Jazz. I must admit today has been less productive than I would have liked." It was just then that the smooth talking, easy going Autobot took notice of Bumblebee sitting on his boss's lap.

"Ratchet stuck you with the kid huh? I wondered when he would crack. Never struck me for the sierly type." Both bot's olfactory sensors were assaulted with the scent of burning oil. Optimus looked alarmed as Bee's expression souered, but Jazz just took it in stride. "Uh-oh, someone needs a new filter." He chuckled as he sat down on one of the crates and grabbed the bag from where it sat near Optimus's feet. Soon he had the supplies all laid out, and gently took the bitlit from the surprised Prime's grasp. "What is it OP, never changed a filter before?" He asked jovially. Optimus just shook his head. "Watch and learn my man," He said as he laid Bumblebee on the mat. With the ease of someone who had performed an action a thousand times, Jazz had changed Bee's oil filter and cleaned up.

"You certainly seem to know what your doing Jazz," Commented Optimus.

"Oh yeah," Jazz confirmed as he lightly bounced Bumblebee on his knee, making the sparkling giggle and chirp. "When my sire quit, I had to help ma' out with the lil' ones a lot. Besides," he cracked a grin at the Autobot leader, "femmes love a man who is good with a sparkling."

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