Chapter 16

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I saw Haley walk up the stairs. 

"Why the hell didnt you kiss her?", I asked.

"Cause, maybe this feeling I am feeling isnt really love.", He said looking down at his feet. 

I poped him on the head.

"You really think that this "feeling" your feeling isnt love?", I asked.

He nodded.

"Get off you ass we are going to a club", I said.

"We?", He asked.

"Harry, Louis, Zayn, Liam, You, Me and Haley. We are all going.", I ordered.

"Fine", He said and went up stairs.

I ran up the stairs, zipping past Niall and into my bedroom were Haley was fast asleep on her stomach. 

"SLAP ASS!", I said as I slapped her butt.

"OW! YOU BITCH THAT REALLY HURT!", She said throwing a pillow at me. 

The pillow hit my foot.

"Haley that was the worst fucking throw I have ever seen", I said.

She just flipped me off.

"Ok, listen we are going to a club tonight all of us", and it wont be that bad I promise", I said.

"Whatever", She said.

She got up and went to the dresser and pulled out jean shorts and a shirt that she had got from American Eagle. 

She put on the stuff that she had in her hand she also put on makeup and straitned her hair.

"Okay, lets go I guess.", She said.

"Good! Now you go and sit down stairs in the living room", I said.

She rolled her eyes at me and walked down stairs.

I went to Harry's room first. 

"Hey love", He said. 

" Hey, get dressed in some clubing clothes please and thank you.", I said to him and left.

Then, I went to Zayn and Liam's room. 

I opened the door and told them the same thing I said to Harry.

Then I went to Louis's room. 

"Louis get dressed in some clubing clothes", I said.

"CLUBING!!!", I heard him yell.

I went in to Haleys room and grabbed a dress from my closet. Hell yes! Best dress ever it was short but not to short and black. I am going to rock this dress. And i dont even have to do my hair and makeup. 

I walked down the stairs and everyone was ready. Haley was siting at the bar. Niall was on the couch. Zayn and Liam were skipping around the living room and Harry and Louis were cuddling on the couch. 

"Everyone ready?", I asked.

"Yep", Everyone said.

We went outside and piled into Harry's Hummer.

Haley ended up having to lay in the back of it because she was the only one small enough to be able to. We hit a bump.

"Damn,Harry could you go a little slower.", She asked.

"You can just sit on one of the boys laps you know", Harry said. 

"Ill think about it", She said.

We got to Club FullMoon. Harry got out and opened my door for me and I got out. I went back to help Haley out but Niall was already there. Instead of being a gentlemen about it he lifted her out and threw her over his shoulder. 

"Niall damnit everyones going to see my ass.", Haley said. 

Zayn and Liam were being stupid and trying to get a peek. But Niall got protective and put her down. 

Harry had his hand in the small of my back the whole time and Louis was with Harry the whole time. 

And Niall, Zayn and Liam were like bodygaurds for Haley. 

We went and found a table in the back with the coushion seats. 

"Im going to get a beer, ill be back", Haley said.

As Haley left into the crowd Niall kept his eyes out for her.


I walked away from them and went to the bar. Now Haley remember your here to have fun and not to be a fucking buzzkill. I sat on the bar stool.

"What can I get for ya?", The man asked.

"Beer, bottle", I said. 

He bent down into a tiny fridge thing and pulled out a Bush Light.

"Oh im sorry Coors", I said to him.

"You have a great taste in beer ma'm", He said to me with a smile.

"Thanks" I said and threw a 5 dollor bill on the table. "Keep the change".

"So, are you out of town?", Kris asked atleast thats what his name tag said.

"Oh, no i've lived here for a while", I said.

"Yea she has", A familier voice said.

I turned my head to the left and there he stood Tyler. Fuck. 

"Hey, Haley how is it hanging?", He asked.

"Whiskey flat", I said to Kris.

"There you go", Kris said as he handed me a shot glass of whiskey.

I shot it back and left the bar. Yeap, Im going to be drunk off my ass if I dont stop with those shots.

I sat down next to Niall and leaned forward on the table. 

"You ok there?", He asked. 

"Im *hic up* fine.", I said.

"Your already drunk off your ass", Regan said. 

"Hey a Coors and a pure whiskey shot can not get you drunk.", I said. 

"Whatever", Regan said. 

"Haley?", Niall asked.

"Hmm", I hummed.

"Want another drink?", He asked.

"Sure", I said getting up.

Me and Niall walked back to the bar. 

"Hey Kris", Niall said.

"Hey Niall and Hey Haley", Kris said.

"So you finally found a g-", Kris cut off when he saw me.

"You and her huh?", Kris asked.

Niall nodded.

"And to think i was going to try to get her, Damn you Niall your ruining my game", Kris said.

They just laughed as I sat there awkwardly.

"Another Coors for the lady?", Kris asked.

"Yes Please", I said pulling out another 5$ bill.

"No Haley I got it", Niall said. 

"Alright, thanks", I said putting it away.

Kris layed the beer on the bar and I picked it up and took a drink.

 "I had no idea you liked beer, I figured you would be one of those girls that likes martinies", Niall said as he sat down.

"Eww. No, martinies are to fruity", I said.

"Yea, I cant stand them", Niall said taking a drink of his beer.

"I am going to go outside for a little bit, its hot in hear", I said.

He nodded. 

I got up with my beer and went outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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