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                                                                                                                       REGAN’S P.O.V

Thanks boys for getting her down, I said to the boys.  Holy crap that was crazy scary, I heard Haley say. We all walked into the house and I saw Savannah standing at the door. Haley ran up the stairs and Niall went and hugged his fiancé just basically going threw the motions I guess. Savannah went to the couch and sat and played on her phone. Haley came running down the stairs in her high-tops. She was walking towards the door. I ran to her. Haley, no you have to face Savannah you can’t keep running away from her, I said. I am not; she said in a confused voice, I was inviting you and Savannah to come to the mall with me? O ya sure I will go…. Awkward… YO, SAVANNAH, Haley yelled, WANT TO GO SHOPPING WITH US?!?!? Savannah nodded and she got her shoes. Niall came up behind me and whispered to me “don’t let Haley kill Savannah are vice versa, Ok? Ya I know Niall just settle down. Thanks, He said kissing me on the cheek. I went really red. Savannah had her high heels on, Haley had her High-Tops and I also had heels. Are you two seriously wearing those shoes? You are going to a mall not a strip club, I heard Niall yell from the couch. O shut up you Irish son of a bitch, I said with a scowl. Niall threw his hands up in defense. I love that Irish boy. Ok, so are we ready, I heard Haley ask. Lets go and Savannah was out the door. Haley was going to be fine.... I hope.

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