Chapter 14

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I woke up, Savannah and Regan were still asleep. I got up out off bed and walked down stairs. Niall was sleeping on the couch. Oh, Jesus. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I went over to the couch and sat as far away from Niall as I could. I took a bite of my apple. I felt arms wrap around me and the next thing I knew i was on the floor and Niall was straddling me while holding my apple. 

"Thanks for breakfast, Princess", He said with a smirk on his face.

"Niall give me my DAMN..", I was interupted by his hand covering my mouth.

"Shh, Princess we dont want to wake the others now do we?", He said. 

He lifted his hand off my mouth.

"Can I please have my apple back?", I asked.

"Hmm, Let me think, No.", He said laughing. 

I brought my hands up to try to grab the apple. But, he threw it and grabbed my wrists. 

"Nope, Your not getting free this time." He said.

"You've got to be kidding me", I said. 

He shook his head no. He leaned down and picked me up and sat on the couch with him holding me.

"Uh, Niall someones coming", I said trying to break free. 

"It will be fine", He said.

"No it wont Niall what if that is Savannah", I said. 

"She will have to deal with it", He said holding me tighter and closer then before. 

I was panicing. So I did the only thing I could think to do. I kissed him. I felt his arms lossen around me. I quickly pulled off and got away from him i ran to the kitchen and got out a pan. I looked at the stairs and it was Zayn. Damnit. Zayn walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Haley, whats for breakfast?", He asked. 

"I dont feel like cooking this morning, could you guys just have ceareal or something", I asked.

"Of course", He said. 

I walked into the living room and sat on the floor on the far side of the couch. I could feel Niall staring at me. Zayn came over to the couch and sat on the couch. In the middle. 

"Haley come sit here", Zayn pointed infront of him. 

"I have to go to um work", I said standing up.

"Its Saturday.", Zayn said.

"Pssh, I knew that. I meant uhh go swimming", I said walking to the closet that has all our swim suits.

Crap, I only have a bikini... I pull out my Bikini and walk to the bathroom. There going to see my damned scar. I grab a towel and wrap it around me. I walk back out and Niall is gone. I walk out the door and throw the towel on a chair. I walk down the stairs into the pool. I walk over to the deep part and dive under. I open my eyes and watch the water. I turn my head and see my hair floating freely in the water. Then I hear a splash. I swim up and see that Niall got in. No no no NO! He is coming right for me too. I try to swim but he grabs my foot and pulls me in. He grabs onto my waist. 

"Niall No please", I say trying to move his hand away from the scar. 

"I already know there is nothing to be scared of it doesnt change anything about the way I see you", He says holding me. 

I was in actual awe, no one has ever said that to me. 

He wraps me in a hug and kisses my forhead. 

It doesnt change anything about the way I see you, that phrase was kept on replay in my brain.

"Hey you two!" I heard Zayn yell. 

I looked over at him and he was NAKED?! 

"CANNONBALL BITCHES" He yells jumping in.

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