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Hey Diana's I told you I would update this weekend. Now did everyone have a good Thanksgiving if you celebrate that?????  Good, now this chapter is going to be a little freaky so just try to follow along :). Umm, i am so happy to be updating again.

                                                                              REGAN"S P.O.V

Alright saying my car is a piece of shit we had ro walk and it is really REALLY fucking hard to walk 2 blocks in fucking heels. How you to holding up, I heard Haley ask. My feet are killing me, I managed to spit out. Here, Haley took off her shoes, wear these. I grabbed her shoes and slipped them on. How is that, Haley asked. That is alot better. Good. HAley was now barefoot. I looked behind us and there were two guys following us. Haley pushed me infront of her. She wispered, Regan when i say run you fucking run like hell dont look back you run back to the house. The two guys picked up speed we also picked up speed. The bigger guy grabbed ahold of Haley's hair. REGAN RUN! I started to run up to them when I saw Haley land a right uppercut to the front of the man's nose. The second guy came running at me when I saw him go down Haley was fending for her self me and Savannah were scared to death so we ran. I looked behind me and so did Savannah we saw the men were gone and so was Haley. I stopped in my tracks and stared at the place that was litered with blood from the men or hers. I waited for 5 minutes. I saw a pink shirt litered with blood. I saw that beautiful face i used to know litered with cuts and blood running from her mouth the the end of her chin. She slowly crawled over to the water fountain. I was standing there in shock. I got the courage and ran to Haley. ARE YOU OK? She snickerd well besides cuts and brusies i am fine. But i dont think the guys are. Why, do you say that. Lets just leave that between me and them. So, Haley me and Savannah ran to the Flat. The first one to push threw the door was me and all the boys were watching Toy Story. Liam was crying, Zayn was trying to comfort him. Harry and Louis were cuddling, you know i dont really care i ship Larry even if me and Harry do get married. Niall was the first one to notice us come in. Haley tryed to get past the boys with out being noticed the next thing I know the boys were swarming her. WHAT HAPPENED!, they all said in unison. I just got into a fight its all good as long as Regan and Savannah are ok. I smiled and Savannah did the oppisite reaction. She just scoffed, I could of handled my self. You know Savannah I would love another fight I haven't had a fight in a while now. Haley said, WIth a snicker. She just rolled her eyes. Niall grabbed Haley's arm and took her upstairs. The boys swarmed us and started checking us for cuts and bruises. I started to laugh cause it tickled. 

                                                                HALEY"S P.O.V 

Haley what happened to you Niall asked. Well there were two guys that were following us and it just ended up in a fight. You didn't get r-r-ra-raped did you?, Niall said with fear in his voice. No, Niall I didnt get raped i am fine. Niall got up off his bed and went to get a cloth. I just sat there playing with my now bloody shirt. Niall came back with a new change in clothes for me and a wet rag. He gave me the clothes, Go change i dont want blood all over my bed. I nodded and took the clothes to the bathroom and i looked at my hands. I cant beleive I stabbed someone. It was for self defence right? they were trying to hurt us THEY DESERVED TO DIE. I changed into the clothes that Niall gave me it was a black tee with white gym shorts. It works. I walked out of the Bathroom and he was sitting on the bed playing on his phone. I walked over to him and he patted the bed next to him. I sat next to Niall he suddenly turned his head and he kissed me. For the second fucking time i got caught off gaurd. I got up off the couch and ran down stairs. FUCK!

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