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HALEY'S P.O.V        

When I got down to the bottom of the stairs. I saw Harry and Regan flirting. Ok, just act calm. I walked over to Regan.

"Hey, can i have my shoes back", I asked.

She looked at me questionably.

"Of course", She said, flicking the shoes off. 

"Thanks", I said. 

I walked over to the door and walked out and down the sidewalk. God, why do they do that to me its uncomfortable, I just want to have a nice, calm, no kissing conversation. But, no apparently i cant fucking have that. I looked over at the house and saw 2 little boys, they were playing army and one was running towards the street. I ran up to the kid and stopped him before he could get to the curb.

"Woah, little man you dont want to go out there", I said nudging him back to his yard. 

"But, I have to run away from him", he said pointing at the blonde haired boy.

"Well, can you promise me that you wont go in the street?", I asked.

"I promise", He said smiling. 

I nodded and he ran to his yard and they both waved at me so I waved back. I started walking back to the house. I saw a car pass and I looked back to make sure the boy wasnt in the street. I didnt see him and started walking again. I made it to the house and walked in. Regan and Harry were laying with there hands entertwined with each others. Louis was on Harry's other side doing the same thing with Harry's hand. Zayn and Liam were playing Cards Against Humanity on the counter. I walked into the kitchen and saw a whole bunch of dishes in the sink. I didnt want them to just sit there so I decided to do them. I started by clearing one side of the sink out so that i could rinse off the dishes. I could feel someone breathing down my neck. 

"Instead of staring holes in the back of my head, why dont you help", I said.

"Fine, we both will", Liam said. 

The next thing I see are Liam and Zayn next to me. 

"Ok, Zayn you can dry them, and Liam you can put them away", I ordered. 

They nodded and we began. In 10 minutes tops, we were all done. 

"Thank you boys", I said. 

"Your Welcome", They said smiling.

I walked out of the kitchen and to the door to take off my shoes. I walked over to the couch and sat next to Louis. They looked so cute all of them laying there. I looked at the TV which was turned to a Oprah episode and I couldnt find the remote so I guess I was stuck with Oprah. 

After 30 minutes of Oprah giving away free stuff. I was tired. I walked up the stairs towards me and Regan's room. Niall was coming down the hallway. I just looked down at my feet. He walked past me. I looked back up. Thank God. I walked into my room and turned the light on, Savannah was sleeping on the cot that I payed 120$ for. I walked over to my side of the bed and pulled the covers back and slipped in and fell asleep.

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