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                                                                            REGAN'S P.O.V

Haley just got done making breakfast and it was really good she made pancakes and my favorite hing to do is wrap my bacon in the pancake and eat it, I guess it just saves time. I was just about to take a bite out of my sandwhich when i heard a giant thud on the top floor. I hered Niall's voice yelling come on Lou-Bear i want a hug. I hered Louis yell NO. Louis came down the stairs with niall chacing him with his body covered in penut butter. Niall i think realized that he could not catch Loius so guess what he came after me. He noticed me standing there and started to run after me. Haley noticed HArry also covered in penut butter. FUCK, I hered Haley yell. We ran out side. All the boys were chasing us now. Zayn came and grabbed me. Haley was being chased by Liam, Niall and Harry. Zayn carried me in and layed me on the couch. What the hell was that for? I asked barley abel to breathe. Well Niall came up with the "genius" idea to put penut butter all over him then they all wanted to do it, he said. God he is a idiot. Regan come and look at your freind, I hered a voice yell. I ran out side and saw Haley in a tree holding on to a branch like Katniss off the Hunger Games. Harry, Niall, and Liam were standing at the bottom. Haley hates hights. Guys do you not know that she is scared of hights, I yelled. I ran over to the tree. Haley are you ok, I yelled up at the tree. NO I AM STUCK IN A FUCKING TREE!, I hered her yell. Why, did you go in the tree anyway, I asked. Because, those dushdicks came and tried to grab me. 

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