The Fighter

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Moving around the kitchen in the expertise grace that only a professional chef was a natural gift is received from my mom. All growing up we would dance and sing along to the radio while making meals large enough for two armies. Currently 'She's Country' by Jason Aldean was the tune that fueled my thrive of memories as I danced through the kitchen preparing lunch. Setting the already fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and hand husked corn on the table I moved back to my homemade lemonade.

When I'd gotten into the kitchen and found the radio I instantly flicked it on and programmed it to my favorite channel. Before I'd even realized I was cooking the chicken was already done and the potatoes half mashed. My mind was well tuned to this meal such as a guitar to a famous musician. All growing up my mother and I had made the meal hundreds of time never once looking at a recipe book. The Parker women were always fabulous cooks by nature.

When the opening lyrics to Brad Paisley's 'We Danced' touched my ears I sang along already losing myself in the music again. With my eyes closed I continued on my recital with no audience. A strong hand grasping mine pulled me from my bliss to find my father standing before me. "May I have this dance?" His rich voice wondered. I curtsied trying to keep my smile at bay. "Why of course." We shuffled and spun around the room enjoying each others company as father and daughter.

"Yeah, we danced." Our voices harmonized with Brad Paisley's on the last line of the song. Engulfing my large father into my small arms for a tight hug. Clapping filled the room forcing my father and I to pull apart. "We never get to dance with dad!" The twins shouted trying to sound heartbroken. I giggled before bringing the two boys in to my arms and assuring them that they could always dance with me.

"Oh goddess of all that is fried you have returned to us!" Noah cried before kissing my feet as if I was a queen. Chuckling I chirped, "Well come on y'all we can't waist perfectly good food. Sit yourselves down, the lemonade is almost done." My families heads instantly whipped to face me. "Homemade?!" They shouted in unison. "Y'all need to stop that. It's creepy. But yes homemade, I wouldn't serve you any other kind." Pushing my shirt sleeves up to my elbows I continued mixing the ingredients into the pitcher. "Can someone get the sweet tea from the fridge?" I questioned. Once we were all seated we said a quick thanks before tuckering in.

"Is that homemade?" Jake's voice sounded from behind me. I simply nodded. I was to lost in my chicken to reply any more than necessary. Jake's head appeared in my line of vision before he took a big whiff of the friend chicken plate before me. Smacking his head I began my well known rant. "Hey! If you're hungry, you eat. You do NOT play with your food." The boys surrounding me chuckled as they clearly recalled my scolding as a child.

"You're a violent little thing aren't you?" Jake questioned as he took a seat beside Ben before filling his plate. "You've gotta be if you wanna survive my brothers." I chuckled. A hand ruffling my hair had my attention turning to Chris. "Well howdy cowgirl." He spoke. A smirk formed on my lips as I recited the words I'd said the day we met. "Actually it's Braelynn the amazing." I replied cheekily. Laughing he made his way to Jake's side before stuffing his face as well.

"B you may be my adorable baby sister, but your hair is all over the place now." Noah informed before digging into his food again. Plucking the hat from his head I fastened it onto my head before throwing my hair into a ponytail. I winked at his shocked face. "Guys I've got to go meet the other Alpha's about the fight. You two are guarding Braelynn." Ryan said from the kitchen entry way. Turning to him I narrowed my eyes. "Excuse me?" I asked rhetorically. Not knowing what had gotten me jostled, Ryan just met my eyes clearly puzzled. "Why was I not informed of this meeting? And why am I not joining you?"

Ryan's confused expression cleared quickly before he answered. "Because this is Alpha business babe." His answer was spoken as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "In case you've forgotten, I am Luna of this pack. If there's a fight I need to know everything about it including being present for any meetings about the matter." A hint of annoyance slithered into my words alerting him that he answered wrong.

"Baby, I need you here. The pack needs you here. They need someone to come to for help and advice and that's you." His hands rubbed softly on my arms before grasping my hands. Blowing out a frustrated breath I met his eyes once again. "Fine. I don't like it and we're talking about it later, but fine." I mumbled. Grinning he kissed my forehead before dashing out of the room.

Laying upside down on the couch beside Ranger I groaned loudly before declaring that I was bored. "Hey Braelynn! I have a surprise for you!" Noah called from the front door of the large house. Flipping over to my feet, I raced outside after Noah. "What? What is it?" I asked excitedly. "Would you stop jumping? It's comin up the driveway now!" Smacking him on the back of the head my excitement turned to joy at the sight of my dads truck pulling a horse trailer to the front of the house.

Sprinting to the back of the trailer I cracked it open and stepped inside. "Well aren't you pretty." I said looking lovingly at the stormy grey horse before me. "That's Shay. She's all yours sweetheart." Turning to my dad I hugged him quickly before tugging Shay out of the trailer. After Shay's saddle was firm on her back I hopped on and pet her mane. "Well go on. Take her out for a ride. Just don't be back to late." Dad said smiling wildly at me. Returning the saddle I tapped Shay's side loving the wind in my hair as she took off.

It may have been two years since I'd been on a horse but the actions are engraved into my bones. The thrill of riding across the open fields made me wonder how I'd survived those two years without this heaven. Deciding I was thinking of other things at the time I pushed it to the back of my mind and pushed Shay faster. After enjoying a peaceful two hour ride I headed back to the Packhouse just in time to catch the beginnings of a pack meeting.

"Thank you. As many of you know the situation with our Luna we are going to be going to war along with the help of two other packs. Braelynn, women, and children shall be kept in the Pack house with several gaurds the rest of the men eligible will be fighting. You may return to your homes and we will meet again soon." When the last of the pack members had left I turned to Ryan.

"What?!" I roared. I was beyond upset; furious even. "How dare you make that decision! I am a part of this pack and this is my problem. Though I appreciate the support of the pack I won't sit around pickin daisies while they risk their lives! I am training and I am fighting whether you like it or not." I hissed. Rage poured through my blood like water in the Mississippi River. "What reason would you even have that I couldn't be in this fight?!"

"You're not fighting." Ryan replied calmly. Though his calm exterior was just fuel to my furious flames. "Why on earth would I not fight?!" I screamed in his face. By this point our families had gathered around us in an attempt to stop our argument. "Because I said-" I raised my hand in the air to effectively cut him off. With an icy glare I met his eyes and knew he could see my wolf clawing to be let out. "Don't you dare use that excuse with me Ryan. That's a load of bull and you know it. Now give me a real answer; why in the hell would you think that I'm not fighting?!"

"Because you're a girl!" He roared in my face. Over my furry I heard Noah mumble an 'Oh shit.' but paid it no mind.

"Don't you dare ever say that to me again. I may be a girl, but I can definitely kick any pack members ass. Including yours Ryan. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't do anything you can. Feel free to sleep on the couch tonight." With that said I turned around and headed inside the pack house. So what if I'm a girl? Fighting is in my blood and with everything I've been through, that's probably the worst excuse I'd ever heard.

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