The Fighter

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Is it possible for your hair to sweat? I'm pretty sure my hair's sweating. Dadgummit I'm so nervous! I've been all sorts of nervous in my life but being nervous of what people thought of me; that's a new one. Tonight Ryan is supposed to not only introduce me as his mate to the whole pack but he's going to be named Alpha tonight. That means I'll be named as Luna.

Seriously is it possible for your hair to sweat? I swear mine is right now. My hands are slick as butter and my heart sounds like the drums in a heavy metal song. Maybe I can fake being sick? "Baby girl, come on let's go." My eyes turned to see Ryan standing in the doorway smiling at me. I took his hand and followed him to the backyard where the meeting would be. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

Ryan stopped abruptly causing me to slam face first into his back. A hearty "Omph." escaped my lips before I met his eyes. The jerk looked amused. How could this be funny?! I was meeting over a hundred werewolves that I'd have to help him lead! If they don't like me then the pack will lose control and Ryan will hate me! Oh God.

"Baby, your sweating rivers. Don't be nervous." I turned to Ryan looking at him as if he just told me cows laid eggs. "Don't be nervous?! If they hate me then it'll ruin everything! Then you'll hate me and I'll have to leave the pack. I'll become a rouge and have to live the rest of my life alone until someone comes and mmph hmmumm." A hand on my mouth cut off my rambling.

"Braelynn. They'll love you. I don't know how they can't. You're smart, funny, caring, you put others before yourself, and know can kick some butt if you need to. I would say drop dead gorgeous but I don't want to think of the other men seeing you that way." His hands cupped my face as he leaned in until his lips brushed mine. "You're my mate. You have to say that." I mumbled aloud.

He laughed before replying, "Mate or not, I speak the truth. I love you Braelynn." I pulled away to look into his eyes. Those rich green eyes. All it took was one look to know that he meant it. With all his heart he loves me.

I slammed my mouth to those lucious lips of his and tangled my hands into his hair. I jumped up so I could wrap my legs around his waist in an attempt to get closer. His mouth was slightly open in his stunned state so I took advantage and tangled my tongue with his. That seemed to get him out of his shocked state and he began to kiss me back. I pulled back and met his eyes again "I love you so much." He groaned and attached our lips together again.

"Hey lovebirds! It's time to get your asses outside, the meeting's about to start!" We broke apart panting for air to see Jake with his arms crossed and foot tapping. I blushed and climbed off Ryan. When I tried to step away he growled lowly before pressing my back against his front. I gasped when his not so little friend poked my back causing Jake to laugh. "Hey Jake." I said sheepishly. While he laughed Ryan dragged me and my flaming cheeks outside and onto the porch deck that served as a stage.

"Ah, finally." Alpha Nick spoke. "Ladies and Gentlemen I'd like to introduce your new Alpha. Alpha Ryan." The crowd erupted into hoots and hollers. Ryan released my hand and walked up to his fathers side. "Thank you. Now as most of you have probably figured out by now, in order for me to be Alpha I must've found my mate. And you're right. Baby girl, can you please come up here?" Ryan smiled in my direction while holding his hand out.

My hair's sweating. Oh God. I nodded shyly and quickly walked over to Ryan needing his comfort. I grabbed his hand instantly calming a small bit. Sending my uneasy mood he pulled me to him so his arms were around his waist and my chest to his back. He nuzzled my neck before kissing my cheek and grinning to the pack.

"Hi y'all." I said loud and clear but still slightly shy. Receiving encouraging grins from the audience I continued talking. "My name is Braelynn Parker." Gasps were heard from all ages around the large field. "And I'm gonna do my best to be a good Luna but y'all just bear with me." I smiled slightly as a blush rose up my cheeks. Cheers rang throughout the field causing my smile to grow. I think my hair stopped sweating.

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